@Tara did you get sore or mastitis? I have been getting sore lately but I figuredit was because I was so far spaced out between feedings.
No nothing happened to me. If you are getting sore and worried you could be getting mastitis, iv read cabbage leaves can help minimize any milk supply. I still had some milk but it didn't affect me in any way. My milk is still drying up and it's been at least 6 months now since I last bf
I had weaned down to one feed a day which happened to be the morning one for us, he would take a small feed and was done (flow and supply was most likely very low and slow ) so I just went cold turkey and stopped altogether. I was pretty much done with it. It was kind of frustrating to me knowing he hadn't had a decent feed and I was dragging it out so i just stopped. He was around 8 months old and was happy with formula, he is now on regular cows milk and is a very happy boy