I experienced this but only briefly after the operation. I spoke to the anaesthetist before discharge and he said it happened sometimes when the amniotic fluid travels upwards (they don’t really know why!). Worth pushing while you’re still in hospital to see if it could be this/something else and how they can help you manage it? Imagine it’s very tricky with a LO
It's trapped wind. Drink a few cups of peppermint tea and it should resolve quickly x
I experienced this for nearly two weeks, it was horrid. No meds seemed to help, peppermint tea and heat patches/ got water bottle helped me xx
I was prescribed peppermint capsules in hospital + had lots of peppermint tea. It helped no end!!
It’s from the air they pump into you during the c section, so effectively trapped wind. Peppermint capsules will really help and peppermint tea xx
I had this and it was trapped wind in my left shoulder. It did pass after a week or so I think! I made sure I kept hydrated x
You've got trapped wind hun x
Thanks guys - it's bloody painful and certainly hasn't made the start of this new adventure enjoyable!
I had this after my C-Section. It was trapped wind. Peppermint tea helped me :) xxx
Yes. It's due to trapped wind and can be treated simply drinking peppermint tea (.which they should have provided or you can get someone to bring you) and moving around/ keeping mobile also really helps x
I had this! Sounds strange to cause shoulder pain but for me it was really bad trapped wind x