I also recommend the Thompson method, definitely worth the money xx
@Chloe I didn’t pay, there’s videos on YouTube x
I'm so sorry you're having trouble. Are you using the correct flange size in your pump? And has baby been checked for a tongue tie? There are silver nipple covers you can get on Amazon that are amazing for sore nips! I think they're called silverettes?
Have a Google and see if there are any in person support groups near u, or ask your midwife/health visitor xx
Breastfeeding is hard and super draining so don’t beat yourself up if you can’t make it work! I almost gave up on week two as baby wasn’t latching and my nipples there so sore, I can’t recommend enough using nipple shields while feeding it’s the only thing that got me through it. I found baby learnt to latch properly with them and it also helps give your nipples a break as they’re protected while being sucked on. Just for reference I almost gave up at two weeks but lasted until 3 months and only stopped as she was teething so cutting my nipples. Again if you can’t make it work you know you have tried your best! X
Honestly, you doing amazing! I was in the same position as you. I set my mind on breastfeeding only and I put a lot of pressure on myself. My midwife said our breast milk only becomes “proper” milk on day 5 (she used another word that I cannot remember now) and I noticed a big difference immediately. My nipples were so raw and sore, I used to cry whilst breastfeeding. What saved me was the Lansinoh nipple cream and nipple shields! As soon as I breastfed with nipple shields on was such a relief! In the first few days I used to give my daughter formula here and there just so my nipples could have a rest and I used to pump and then give her in a bottle and then felt guilty about it. But now looking back I do t regret it because I needed to do that in order to have a good relationship with breastfeeding. She’s 5 months now and exclusively breastfeeds. You can do this! 🤍
Breastfeeding is the hardest thing about being postpartum, especially when you determined to do it because you put so much pressure on yourself. Have you seen the Thompson method for latching? It feels a lot more natural than nipple to nose for some women if you ever wanna chat please feel free to reach out. Xx