@Rachel I feel like he could be teething but then he would have been teething for like 2 months straight and he’s only 5 months 😭
@Lauren I was going to say the same thing my baby is 6 months and my Health Visitor said teething can start anytime from 4 months every babies different she also said the baby can teeth for like 9/12 months straight and still have no teeth
@Lauren I’ve just been trying to get him bathed at like 5/6 ready for bed then I try to give him his last bottle at like 10/10:30 and turn all the lights down with some lullaby songs on for him sometimes if his been awake all day he is over tired so sometimes we do have to take him out in the car and he does seem to go off then even though it can be a pain but if it works it’s like heaven 😌
@Rachel I think I’m going to try give him a bath before bed so he relaxes and then a bottlw and pray he goes down 😭
@Lauren Yeah I think you’ll see a difference it does help try the calming music of low as well my baby loves it
Literally going through the exact same at the moment it’s a nightmare