I can agree with this. There are some days...I'm not sure I'd say PPD but I feel much more emotional and defeated...those are the days I realize I got the least amount of sleep. Slept more that night & the next day woke up with a better outlook. Postpartum is not easy but we got this ❤️
Yup! they should be prescribing insurance covered night doulas instead of pills in a lot of situations . Couldn’t agree more. My anxiety and intrusive thoughts are way worse after a bad night sleep . They wanted to put me on a medication where I couldn’t drive for 12 hours ! How is that safe ? How can I care for a newborn if I can’t even operate a vehicle ?
I love this so much! Thanks for sharing
The power of sleep! 💤
@Leah omg! Honestly I’m so skeptical of pills… I know there are some who need them 💯 but sometimes it feels like the Dr is just slapping a bandaid fix without full consideration 😕
I agree ! We all need more support first and foremost . Some mom’s definitely need the medication there’s no shame in that at all ❤️