Baby movements

Baby girl usually moves so much and kicks me like crazy. I’m 24 weeks today but she hasn’t been moving a lot the past couple days and I’m so worried. Has anyone else experienced this? Everyone tells me to only worry if she’s not moving in the 3rd trimester but I’m so worried about her.
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My boy kicks a ton but I've noticed since he flipped breech he moves a bit less. She might just be more comfortable 🤷‍♀️ I'd assume she's likely fine as long as you feel her a bit everyday

I wouldn’t worry too much maybe she moved into a position where her kick are landing more on your placenta or something where you can’t feel it

If you're worried call triage. They'll always prefer to hear from you if you're worried even if it's nothing.

@Bethan I’ve just had a problem with them blowing me off which makes me scared to message or call. I had a really bad kidney stone at 18 weeks and the ER wanted the OB to check on her because it was a small ER and they didn’t have the equipment to do so. She seemed stressed with a very high heart rate and aggressive movements and they would not work me in for an appointment. They said “It was just a kidney stone she will be fine”

Kidney stones on you is different to reduced movements. Always see someone for reduced movements. Always. They can be the first sign that baby isn't well. In the UK the saying is "if you saw someone collapsed in the street, you wouldn't just check they've got a pulse and walk off" discourages against home Doplar use and encourages you to get help if baby is moving less or differently. A kidney stone in you is unlikely to affect baby but a change in movements IS baby.

Im 25 weeks today and I feel like it’s few days on, few days off how much baby moves. Try laying down chillin, then poking ur belly or shining flash light to get a kick lol could be ur placenta

@Bethan I do plan on calling. The reason I’m worried is because I know this information. I don’t know if you’ve lived in the US but our privatized health system is terrible and often times they will blow you off or make you feel like you’re crazy even if it’s serious. My sister in law almost died from a miscarriage hemorrhage because of this. I am trying to reach out for support because I am very worried that when I do call I will not be taken seriously and I need judge when and if I should go to the ER.

My doctor said that if you feel something is off go to triage better safe than sorry, but I’m also high risk with a history of stillbirth, so anything I’m concerned with I go in. I don’t even ask my doctor.

I went to the hospital with this exact problem.they told me it’s normal and It’s like your baby’s takeing a few rest days. But did advise that if you just feel like something is really off it’s better to go in. If you have an at home Doppler and you can find her heart rate it’s usually nothing concerning unless it last like a week or more

I bought a baby Doppler on Groupon for $12!! And it’s the same one as the $70 Amazon ones. Got some ultrasound gel for $8, it’s been amazing to hear baby on those quieter days to make sure everything is ok!*gg-mp-baby-heartbeat-monitor-pregnancy-doppler-fetal-monitor-for-pregnancy-heartbeat_productpartitionid*2320723089810_campaignid*10864554955_adgroupid*105710241063_prodtarget*2320723089810_productid*f3183e63-65bd-480d-88a5-5b922ce4de0c_target*pla-2320723089810_d*Goods-Product-Ads_mobile*true_keyword*_adtype*pla_merchantdid*10018412_c*457515776629_k*_m*_adposition*&adsafe=true&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADxu4DCzQs7mkTUo_a7MepJUgzuwa&gclid=CjwKCAiA3ZC6BhBaEiwAeqfvylPC0h9sSwqAeZVLc5EqJoddypQs-M2-aDrgOdf268bPW88WfgawBRoCFAUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&bypass=true

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