Yep! I can put him down after about 15 minutes at the soonest. Drowsy but awake is an absolute no. We've just done the Ferber method for the second time. First time we gave up but this time he fell asleep after 31 minutes with check ins but it was still horrible 😢
@Hazel aw man, we were going to attempt this but havent yet. I realised the room was quite warm due to the heating so I've turned it right down and wondering if she's been too warm since the weathers got colder. She woke every 15mins till 9 tonight had a nappy change, drank another full bottle & some calpol and has since slept 50mins so far 🤞 hoping a cooler room works. Probably try the ferber sleep training if this continues though
Yup, resorted to co sleeping now 😴 😑 🙄
He just woke up, 3 hours 45 minutes in his crib! Not slept that long in weeks. Had a biiiig hug and now having a great big feed. We're going to try fetber for a couple of nights and see if he gets better overall. Fingers crossed 🤞
Well my baby starts crying as soon as we start bedtime routine or go into the room where he sleeps.. the last week he has been falling asleep whilst watching dancing fruits otherwise he is hysterically sleeping 🫣 I don't know whether this is sleep regression or what but he was a better sleeper before