Baby bump concerns

Hi all, I’m not a slim person by any means (no flat stomach here). Has anyone been the same and when did you actually really start showing? I’m actually a bit hesitant for when people find out and instantly look at my stomach to see it’s just my stomach fat and not actually a bump.
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Try not to worry too much, some people have big bumps some people don't. My bump was tiny, I was lower then the 5th centile the entire pregnancy. It did mean k had scans every 2 weeks which was kind of nicr

I started showing around 22 weeks and I’m a UK 16-18. I’m 36 weeks now and there is no doubting it, the waddle gives it away 😆 ignore others and enjoy your pregnancy. Everyone shows differently no matter what size xx

Some moms don’t get one at all the first time, some pop out right away. Everyone’s bodies are different and aren’t going to be the same in pregnancy. A baby bump doesn’t value or devalue pregnancy. Some people who also have some weight on them don’t have bumps either. I stayed in my regular size M my entire pregnancy and even lost weight - no one had any idea I was pregnant because I was normal size. For my 2nd I had gained weight (5 years between) and still no bump cuz my fat was there Bumps also don’t mean baby is healthy or unhealthy and if your dr doesn’t care neither should you. It’s media that put this whole cute bump thing out there and made women feel bad for not having one

I didn't vaguely show till at least 20 weeks and hid it from work till 23 with no issue. Also not a slim person (uk 14-16). Don't worry too much, everyone's different x

I bloated out very quickly (naturally slim) so from about 10 weeks, I didn’t fit into my jeans etc, but a ‘proper bump’ didn’t show until like 14-16 weeks.

My bump never really bumped until very late, it wasn’t a perfect tight round bump ever some days even near full term I didn’t look pregnant. Everyone’s bumps different I believe mine was like this as my placenta was on the front.

I think it depends on youre height too. I'm 5ft 10 and only really obviously showed in 3rd trimester. Friends and family noticed the bump but neighbors were abit shocked when they saw me with a baby lol. I think if youre shorter will show quicker as baby has less roomX

Don’t bother too much, everyBody is different. I don’t think it depends on your size at all! Size 8 or size 18, body is rearranging organs there. Not like a bit of belly can hide it or something! I am 17w+ and size 8/5’3” and no bump. Just a tiny awkward hump below belly button. I thought I would be rocking the bump by Christmas time but no, that’s not how my body works…

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