@Jennifer thank you for this, idk I just feel guilty for planning on quitting with little notice
You shouldn’t feel guilty. You and your child’s safety is at risk. It’s not like you left them for a selfish reason. You were nicer about it than most would.
Since he is aggressive to your baby then I don't think you have a choice but to quit with little notice. It is what it is. They should have told you. He shouldn't be around young children at this time so they need a baby sitter who doesn't have young children and can deal with his aggressive tendencies.
You shouldn't feel bad even if you gave a days notice, especially in this situation. CA is an at will state, meaning employers can fire us without notice for any reason (besides one's against the law) and employees can quit without notice as well. Trust me, no employer cares about their employees at the end of the say they care about their needs (money, etc). We are replaceable to everyone but ourselves. Which is why many people are becoming their own bosses and opening businesses.
If it involves your child’s safety never feel bad!
Why do you feel like you owe them anything? They don’t even care on their end.