I’m in the exact same boat, just want the little man to be here so I actually have someone to speak too😭🥺
@Suzie I only really had one close friend before I fell pregnant and she stopped speaking to me a few weeks before I had my first baby and then I had my girls 19 months apart so I didn’t make new friends or anything. Now I’m pregnant again and just feel so lonely
Pregnant with my first right now and everyone was so excited to hear about it but hasn’t checked in or said a word since. One of which is my best friend who I haven’t heard from since I told her the news. So I totally get how you feel, people seem to disappear when they find out you’re pregnant
@Emily my best friend disappeared a few weeks before my first daughter was born and completely cut me off. Think it’s made me wary to let people close xx
Aww sorry girls you had these experiences 😫😫
I'm kind of in the same position.. I moved to the UK a few years ago and my closest friends still remain in Italy but conversations with them is a struggle as for time/personal lives and the fact that none of my friends have babies so our lives are very different. Then here the few friends I had have no children so again friendship kind of died. I have met a few muums friends from playgroups but still difficult to meet up etc because of work and family. I wished I had some really closed friends here
Oh no, that’s not nice. What happened to your friends before you had the baby? Whereabouts you live?