Catnapping cycle of hell
Please help me. I’m losing my mind. My 11 week old daughter only naps for 15-30 minutes at a time. She wakes up so miserable but I cannot get her back to sleep
I’ve also tried just leaving her to see if she will fall back on her own, she screamed for an hour and a half before I gave up
She sleeps in a dark room with a swaddle and white noise
I’ve tried without the swaddle
I try dummies, rocking, patting, shushing
I’ve tried everything she’s always miserable I assume because she’s tired
I’ve tried every length of wake window. I watch like a hawk for sleepy cues
I’m losing my fucking mind here. She’s miserable all the god damn time and I cry all day too.
I can’t fix this
Try wearing your baby, stroll your LO. Could she be gasy? Sorry. I know it's hard. This is a phase and it'll pass. This shall pass. Sending you strength to get through this. Try and get a friend or family member to give you a break to hold your LO Hugs