“I didn’t ask you for an opinion, please keep your comments to yourself” My kid been breastfed 0-2.5yrs
bro, I am DEFINITELY too lazy to make a bottle. plus I'm too cheap to buy formula. I think if my partner said these things to me, I would just laugh at him lol.
OR my petty ass would wait until he does something to make his life easier and be like "it seems like you're only doing that out of convenience and it irritates me"
The attitude in the UK towards breastfeeding is so backwards and awful and he’s been shaped by that society unfortunately. It’s not causing your son’s rash. You’re giving him the absolute best start in life by breastfeeding. https://www.instagram.com/lucywebberfeedingsupport_ibclc?igsh=c25hZnZrNGlyaGM3 https://www.instagram.com/thebreastfeedingmentor?igsh=MXBuanhyazQ1Z2dsOA== Some wonderful supports linked there x
Your partner needs to educate himself. However, if baby has an allergy then breastmilk can be contributing to a rash. Me eating dairy and feeding my youngest gave him eczema. I had to cut all dairy for a long time and he was fine. So I'd keep an eye on that! But otherwise he's talking rubbish.
Does he even know all the mental and physical strain that breastfeeding takes? Honestly, making a bottle is the easy way
What is he on about? Breastfeeding is the body’s natural way to feed a child? I’m sorry your partner is so uneducated in this… might be worth getting his mum (if she’s on side) to educate him, as he might not listen to you if he’s so set on making you the villain
Also anyone who hates the sound a baby makes whilst breastfeeding is absolutely insane, it’s my favourite part!!!
Sounds like you need a new partner because wtf 😬
Big ass red flag in my experience… my ex husband was like this. Eventually I realized he was warped in so many ways but definitely his weird ass thought on BF should have been a clue! He acted like my body was made for his pleasure only and watching the babies breast feed bothered him. My partner now is all about breast feeding, his only ask is I pump so he can assist with bonding and feeding. He already gives me breast massages to help with the soreness it’s a complete 180 to be so supported. Fuck that noise!
I would dump him out of convenience
Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby. Don’t listen to him
lol. Next time your partner says something to you just say “unsubscribe”. You know what is best for your babe. Check your diet in case there is something they may be allergic to. I had to cut out soy. But keep doing your thing mama.
he sounds ignorant. breastfeed your baby as much as you want
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lol how about he starts producing milk from his own nipples or at very least making bottles ?? Until he does either of those things, he’s got no say.
You’re partner sound incredibly dumb and uneducated
@Amanda unsubscribe ☠️
You should be very proud of yourself for breastfeeding ur baby! It’s hard work and so beautiful at the same time - don’t let anyone tell u otherwise ☺️
Sounds like a him problem
What a breast for? He would really piss me off
@Sarah that’s kind of mean
@Amanda no I was saying that it was funny that you said it, not saying it to you 😭
@Sarah oooooh. I was worried I offended you and another mama. It’s always best not to rush to judgement. Thanks for clarifying! Sorry I’m not cool enough to recognize a joke 😂
@Amanda no way dude once I went back and assessed the situation I was like "I totally see how the situation could have been misread" lmaooo sorry!! 😂🫶
Sounds like he needs education on the benefits of breastfeeding! And he’s partly right, it is a lot more convenient than making a bottle 😄