Going out in the evening without your EBF baby
Looking for any tips or advice on how to go out for the evening without your EBF baby. My girl is 10 months old and I have not been out past 7pm in months. I would love to just go out for a couple of hours and see friends and socialise. I’m wondering is it possible. She will have a bottle but usually wants bitty to fall asleep and especially at night. And when she wakes I’m worried she wouldn’t go back down without bitty again.
Does anyone have any positive experiences and has been able to go out successfully?
I’m on my second whose 5 months and I EBF my daughter for 13 months (she’s now 3). I did it with no issues and going out tonight haha I plan for pumping however both my kids are sleep trained so they didn’t need the boob to fall asleep but the question I have is- does your baby take bottles? Do they fall asleep at the bottle? I didn’t really leave until my hardest baby (my first) was sleep trained and my second didn’t need to sleep train he just puts himself to sleep (thank god) so maybe you can go out after you put baby to bed or you take the leap of faith. I bet your baby will do very well. I’m leaving tonight and doing the bedtime feed via pump in the car on the way to my friends to have dinner while hubby gives bottle. Baby sleeps through the night so I think it’s a lot dependent on your baby’s quirks and needs but sleep training is how I’m able to get me time . I know some don’t want to do it but my second barely cried and my first had a tougher time but did great