@Cal I doubt it because if she’s with me she’s not crying
Guessing you’ve tried singing or gentle shushing? How about hand on her chest until she settles? x
Do you use any white noise? Does she have anything that associates with sleep?
@Cal yeah, works a little but shortly after she cries. She just can’t seem to do long spurts for some reason x
@Hol I do! I have a 5 year old and I used white noise with her so I’m doing the same with the youngest, she’s just far clingier than the eldest. Going to sleep is no problem, I get her off just find, then 30 minutes to an hour and a half later she’s up and doesn’t want to go back to sleep without me.. this can be sometimes after barely napping in the day and I just can’t get my head around how she isn’t knackered xx
What time are her naps?
The sleep cycle is on 45 mins so she just not connecting cycles. If she falls asleep with you she’s likely panicking that you’re not there when she wakes. If you can find something that reassures her. So going from a cuddle to then a hand on here then being next to her, soothing song/noises etc in theory (we all know theory is different in practice!) should eventually work. But our son didn’t sleep through until 19m (but did do long blocks - 4 hours or so on his own) so maybe I’m not the one to advise.
Could it be reflux? If so try optibac probiotics drops. Worked for us. x