Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Requesting a C section

Hi has anyone ever requested a c section and it has been granted , currently pregnant with baby number 3 last two have been normal delivery however I currently have a husband who works away , two children to look after and no family around and it kinda stresses me out thinking who will look after the kids when I go ...


Cyclogest pessary

Hello, a few days ago I had my 20 week scan and my cervix was measuring short. I had a procedure last year to remove some abnormal cells following a smear which led to having a small part of my cervix removed so I was told this could affect future pregnancies and that Iā€™m high risk for a pre term birth. Because my...


Formula and airport security

Hey, we go on holiday in a couple months and wondered how it works when going through airport security with formula? Flying from UK Glasgow. We donā€™t use pre made, but what do people do? What can you take through? And whatā€™s it like with pram for baby? Never seen it in person and these things make me anxious šŸ˜‚ā€¦



Hello everyone! I had c section for my first baby and Iā€™m due in May for second baby. Doc wants me to try for vaginal delivery for second baby. After having a smooth c section and recovery Iā€™m terrified of vaginal birth now. Itā€™s always the unknown that scares us lol but Iā€™m imagining all the horrible things that ca...


Last minute things to get done!

I had a sweep today and am starting to get regular contraction, if these contractions die off Iā€™m getting induced on Monday anyway. Can everyone give me a list of things to make sure are done before šŸ¤£ this is what Iā€™ve got so far and my mind is blank


New to the group (Birth Story)

* Name: Alexandra (I call her angel face) * Pain relief: Spinal Tap * Induced or spontaneous: emergency c-section for pre-eclampsia * Episiotomy: No * C-section or Vaginal: c-section * Sex known: Yes, we had to do a blood draw twice. We wanted a boy and during the c section our dr. mistakenly said ā€œheā€ and we...


Early labor?

I canā€™t tell between mucus plug trickle, pee or water break trickle or not but Iā€™m 2cm dilated, my Dr appt was yesterday and he examined. After there was a little bloodā€¦ and I had inconsistent contractions/ cramping. I went to sleep, now wondering how to keep determining if Iā€™m in active labor or notā€¦ what is the te...


Positive stories

Please can I read your positive c-section stories, whether that may be an elective or emergency for as long as itā€™s a positive one. Iā€™m so unbelievably terrified that they will suggest an elective section (which I know deep down is my safest option) but Iā€™m so scared of being awake knowing my body is cut open and I ...


Can my partner stay overnight?

Hi, any ladies who have delivered on the Swan ward at Warwick hospital - could you please let me know if your partner was allowed to stay with you overnight. I looked online I saw they have to leave after 9pm but just wanted to check as realistically I want him to stayšŸ™šŸ’•


Induction/membrane sweeps

My midwife and I have discussed inducing me at 38 weeks due to not wanting me to go to 40 weeks , what are peopleā€™s experiences? This is my first baby so I have nothing to compare pain to but I just want to hear some peopleā€™s experiences? I am receiving 2 membrane sweeps between 37-38 weeks to try and bring labour ...


Induced labour

My midwife offered me a membrane sweep, what I didnā€™t want it because I wanted to wait for start my own, but still nothing happen, so now she ordered me for induced labour on Monday with hormones tablet pessary (its gonna be 40w + 5 days). Could you anyone tell me what should I expected, how long will be lasts and h...


What snacks were in your hospital bag?

Being induced on Monday and not sure what snacks to pack


Lost some mucus plug at 2am after painful lightning crotch, 38+3!

With my first I lost my mucus plug 5 days before he was born - I know losing it doesnā€™t indicate any specific timeline but when you combine this with the intense painful lightning crotch, constant Braxton hicks, on/off cramping, 2.5cm dilated at my appt last week, kinda makes me think somethingā€™s happening in the ne...


C section scar

Iā€™m 5 days post c section and on one side of my scar it feels bruised and on the other side it stings. Looks wise it looks perfectly fine. I might be jumping the gun as Iā€™m so freshly pp but please someone tell me this is normalšŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Natural birth after a c-section

During my first pregnancy i had a planned c-section that went so good, from the beginning throughout the recovery, nothing to complain about. I am pregnant again, and from the first day i knew about it i already made up my mind about another c-section. Now i am 22 weeks pregnant and i am starting to really struggle ...


Mucus plug

How soon after loosing your mucus plug did you go into labor? Iā€™m 41 weeks today and have my induction scheduled for 41+3. I havenā€™t had ANY signs of labor so far and no contractions, hoping to go into labor before my induction date.


13w Preeclam Scan- high risk

Ugh so I just had the preeclampsia ultrasound scan (where they measure blood flow into to uterus) and Iā€™m, of course, at risk of getting it again. Had high risk at 34 weeks and c section at 35. Happened all very quickly and traumatically. Was hoping Iā€™d be able to have a schedule c section this time around. Trying ...


Can someone please tell me when my bloody nipples are going to stop leaking please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚

This is ridiculous I havenā€™t breastfed at all with this child, milk supply came in late but Iā€™m still leaking 13 days post birth, I get the sharpest pain in my nipple and when I look theyā€™re leaking, if I donā€™t wear a bra then my tops are really wet! Iā€™m sure it didnā€™t take this long with my first and I breastfed ...


Mucus plug

Hi all, I have lost my mucus at 30 weeks. Online says that itā€™s not very common before 37 weeks and I should call up. Has anyone else lost theirs around this time? Any issues?


C section medication

Hi! Has anyone had a recent c section at Warwick Hospital? I had a previous emergency in 2022, and due another one on Monday. When I was discharged last time I was given paracetamol, ibuprofen and oramorph (liquid morphine) - is this still the case? A friend of mine had a c section at Coventry and was sent home on...


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