Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

C section scar

I’m 5 days post c section and on one side of my scar it feels bruised and on the other side it stings. Looks wise it looks perfectly fine. I might be jumping the gun as I’m so freshly pp but please someone tell me this is normal😫😫


Natural birth after a c-section

During my first pregnancy i had a planned c-section that went so good, from the beginning throughout the recovery, nothing to complain about. I am pregnant again, and from the first day i knew about it i already made up my mind about another c-section. Now i am 22 weeks pregnant and i am starting to really struggle ...


Mucus plug

How soon after loosing your mucus plug did you go into labor? I’m 41 weeks today and have my induction scheduled for 41+3. I haven’t had ANY signs of labor so far and no contractions, hoping to go into labor before my induction date.


13w Preeclam Scan- high risk

Ugh so I just had the preeclampsia ultrasound scan (where they measure blood flow into to uterus) and I’m, of course, at risk of getting it again. Had high risk at 34 weeks and c section at 35. Happened all very quickly and traumatically. Was hoping I’d be able to have a schedule c section this time around. Trying ...


Can someone please tell me when my bloody nipples are going to stop leaking please 😭😭😂

This is ridiculous I haven’t breastfed at all with this child, milk supply came in late but I’m still leaking 13 days post birth, I get the sharpest pain in my nipple and when I look they’re leaking, if I don’t wear a bra then my tops are really wet! I’m sure it didn’t take this long with my first and I breastfed ...


Mucus plug

Hi all, I have lost my mucus at 30 weeks. Online says that it’s not very common before 37 weeks and I should call up. Has anyone else lost theirs around this time? Any issues?


C section medication

Hi! Has anyone had a recent c section at Warwick Hospital? I had a previous emergency in 2022, and due another one on Monday. When I was discharged last time I was given paracetamol, ibuprofen and oramorph (liquid morphine) - is this still the case? A friend of mine had a c section at Coventry and was sent home on...


C-Section Mamas‼️

Which Part Of The C-Section Was The Worse/Most Painful For Yall? I Say The Trapped Gas FOR SURE! That Chest/Shoulder Pain From It Killed Me 😩


Pink discharge spots

I had a membrane sweep yesterday. Was 1cm dilated and cervix forward and soft but still long. Since last night whenever I wipe I have tiny pink stained mucous spots. Is this a good sign things are getting going? 🤞 37+4 but have gestational hypertension so baby needs to come soon(ish).


Induction query

Hi all, I get induced on Monday due to babies growth, this will be at royal stoke. Does anyone know how long for and if partners can stay with you the whole time ?


Advice on coparenting

My ex has recently said that in the summer we will be 50/50 and his new partner will be helping with nursery drop offs and pick ups. I’ve sought advice and I can say I’m not comfortable with her collecting and dropping off on her own (they’ve only been together 6 months), and that we should keep arrangements as they...


Mucus plug

How soon after your mucus plug came out did labor start?


Induction - any positive experiences?

Hi all, My midwife has discussed a possible need to be induced early (early April) or have a C-section as baby is measuring very large (and I am very small!). I know a few people who have been induced and all of them have said it was awful, not to do it, they regretted it etc. Just wondering if anyone had any p...


C-section v natural birth for second

I had my first baby in December 2023- now 14 months, I was induced and after three pretty traumatic days ended in an emergency c-section- which I was pretty devastated about. The whole experience was really traumatic for both me and my partner. I am due my second in August (2 under 2- God help me!! 😅) and am…



Has anyone had there son circumcised on here i need some advice on after care as my son is being done tomorrow at 3 months old


For my c section mamis

Smile 😊🩷✨


Induction leading to c-section

Before my induction (due to going past 41 weeks), I read a pamphlet the hospital provided. The pamphlet reads, and I quote, ‘for a small amount of women induction does not work’ and that if this was the case an emergency c section may be needed. I needed an emergency c section and more than half the women I have spo...


My Turn Finally

I was scheduled for an elective induction today at 8 am, but lil man had other plans. I woke up at 3am. this morning with constant period like cramps. Woke up my husband said you need to take me to the hospital it snowed last night we got 8 inches of snow and then i get there and labor and delivery was packed had t...



Hey hey can anyone share how their contractions felt like during early labor? I know everyone’s different but maybe mine could be similar to someone. I have an inkling that I just felt one but also don’t want to be delusional and worry my partner 😭. I’m 38 w + 5 d and trying to remain patient but not miss important…


Losing mucus plug

Has anyone been unsure that if they are starting to lose their mucus plug?? I am 38+3 and I think I am starting to lose small amounts of plug, has anyone else had the same? If so has anyone who has previously had children gone into labour shortly after this or can it take a while? First time mum here not got a clueee


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