Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
I’m confused…. Had my appt and my midwife said I’m 2/5 engagement. I’ve been looking online some say that it’s 2/5 of the baby’s head into the cervix others say 3/5 of the baby’s head is into the cervix. Others then say 2/5 is near enough fully engaged as there is only 1/5 to go? Does someone know what’s actua...
When did everyone find out their planned c section date? I have a scan and consultation appointment next week and I'll be 32 weeks just wondering if that will be when I get our date or closer to when I'm 39 weeks?
How long are people finding they are having their period for after their sections? I'm coming close to having a 2 week long period 🙈.. its only small amounts now compared to being quite heavy at the start but just wondering if anyone else was the same?
Had a membrane sweep yesterday - very quick and easy. I’ve since had nearly 24 hours of brown discharge, and some intense cramping. Does anyone know if this is guaranteed or highly likely to lead to labour? 41 week FTM.
Im finally getting induced after 41 weeks and 5 days. This baby was simply too comfy in there. I have had a wonderful healthy pregnancy. I simply cannot complain about it but these last 2 weeks have been so overwhelming seeing everyone have their September baby except me. But hey at least I’ll finally meet my girl. ...
1. Do I wear underwear/disposable briefs under the gown when going into surgery? 2. How soon after the surgery am I allowed to shower? 3. How soon after the surgery can you expect to start bleeding vaginally? 4. Those that were on the list for a 12pm slot, what time did you get the go ahead it was actually going a...
Went to my 36 week scan today and was told I’m being inducted on 21st (just under two weeks away) and I’m massively freaking out. I’d really wanted a water birth which is out the window now and I’m extremely freaked out about being induced and needing a C Section. Can anyone give me any positive birth stories fr...
What can I expect from a pre op for an elective section? My only experience of a C-section was an emergency one 4 years ago so an elective C-section is completely new to me🫣
Hey! I've got an induction booked for tomorrow, but waiting on a phone call- what time did they call for your induction?. Thanks x
What kinda birth is people planning? I'm planning vbac
Hey ladies, I’m due the end of this week and I’d prefer natural water birth but I don’t want to go over 41 weeks really as I’m uncomfortable! People put me off about getting induced as they say most end up in emergency care sections anyway so I’m thinking so I get a elective section as hear a lot of good things abou...
Can anyone please me feel at ease with c section I’m hoping to have one as it’s the most suitable for me with being on blood thinner injections. Do you actually get to have skin to skin contact with your baby Thank you
I give birth very soon and most doctors don’t want me to have a VBAC since I’m carrying twins (even though I’ve already had successful VBAC). Do any of you have a really good VBAC experience in any NJ hospitals (bonus points if it was a twin or high risk pregnancy)
Sorry for TMI! I’m 31+3 weeks and have a ridiculous amount of discharge constantly! It’s partially thick and creamy but the rest is just like liquid 🤣 basically after wearing my knickers for an hour they’re wet to the point I change them. I’m wearing liners now but I don’t remember this happening with my first…
I am having to be booked an elective c-section because baby is breech and it isn't safe to attempt ECV or breech birth. I'm really struggling with mentally preparing myself for this... Ever since the beginning of my pregnancy a lot of choices were taken away from me because of my own medical conditions, and now this...
i’m 1 week and 4 days post emergency c-section. went to the toilet and i’m wearing adult nappies at the minute due to bleeding after the csection. i look down and see on the band there is a purple piece of thread. i googled different stitches and it is indeed a stitch. i have no pain or anything. could this be okay??
That there is no signs of labor and that it looks like my baby does not want to come out. But let me tell you I’ve had contractions all day yesterday and all night and I could not get any rest. They seem to start getting little stronger. They have no pattern yet but are really lasting a minute long. 🙃
If the baby is born at a normal weight, but still before 37 weeks, is it considered premature? (even if the child measures, for example, 39 weeks)
Are there any recommendations for post surgery or recovery underwear please?
Started having mild contractions at 8pm which carried on until 2am, they were anything between 5 minutes apart to an hour. I’m hoping it means I’ll go into labour soon or is that wishful thinking lol