Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
I found out last week that I unfortunately I had miscarried after a scan I had a feeling I had as I had a lot of bleeding. But I’ve had spotting on and off since last week which is becoming very annoying as I want to move on and try again but I want to wait till I have a period. I’ve read online and from two friends...
I miscarried a week ago and am still sad, angry, all the feels, about it. And I was talking to my husband about trying again right away. Then I kinda felt guilty about it. How’d you know you were ready to try again?
Hey all! I just wanted to look for some positive reinforcements. I had 3 miscarriages last year and I found out I had a blood clotting disorder. I’m on Lovenox now and everything has gone great so far! I’m 11.5 weeks and everything look really good on my ultrasound last week. I just feel less symptoms this week and ...
Just sending some positivity and hope to the women trying for their miracle. I had a miscarriage exactly 10 weeks ago today, ovulated 2.5 weeks later with no period in between and I’m currently 9 weeks 2 days pregnant. It just blows my mind how the dating works, especially in the absence of a period!
Has anyone ever had a miscarriage and not bled that much? The hospital are saying I may potentially of passed it however I just seem to be passing like brown sludge now the main stringy bit has gone . But just spotting.
I recently had a d&c surgery following a miscarriage and in the surgery they noticed I had a mild pelvic prolapse. Since the surgery the prolapse has got so much worse I have been referred to PT but I’m worried will it cause issues for future pregnancy’s/ fertility issues??
Hi, I found out I miscarried yesterday at 17 weeks. They didn't find a heartbeat. I have no symptoms. Im in shock and been crying. How does one process this... I'm doing a D&E next week. Any advice on what to expect?
I’m currently having a miscarriage, and I haven’t really had much information on what happens next! How long do I bleed for? What happens if I test positive in 2-3 weeks time? Do they automatically cancel all of my appointments that I had scheduled in or do I need to do that? I’ve had no information on it from the...
Just found out I’m 3-4 weeks pregnant after my missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. Is anyone else with me? I’d love to have someone to talk to through this! I feel so conflicted, the fear and happiness is overwhelming
I had a miscarriage a week ago at 7 weeks and slowly stopped bleeding. Me and my husband had unprotected sex today and he said he came on my back but when I was cleaning down there I felt his sperm coming out of me. I didn’t know that you were supposed to wait 2 weeks to continue having sexual relations. Im worried...
How long did your miscarriage bleeding last? When miscarried at 7 weeks?
I got a very light positive this morning and I’m freaking out thinking I’m going to have a miscarriage. I don’t even want to tell me husband yet because he was so happy I was pregnant last time and then we lost the baby. I’ve been having heart palpitations and breathing weird all day because I’m so nervous. I don’t ...
I'm done. After more than 2 years of ttc, one missed miscarriage, countless tests and doctor appointments - I am done. I am done taking these prenatal vitamins, done taking folic, Coenzyme Q10, and everything else. Tried all "old wife tale" maca root, mucex, primrose, tried to have baby dance every day, every other...
Is this a dye stealer?? I had miscarriage in October so naturally very anxious...
How long do the cramps last? The heavy bleeding? I have a high pain tolerance but these cramps are making me cry.. and I’m on like day 3/4.. I’ve already been to the ER where they confirmed it was a miscarriage. Is this normal.. I’m also alone, caring for my 2 year old 😭
and there was no one you knew living anywhere nearby, and your husband was away for several weeks, your family lived about 400 miles away, and (due to living in a new area) you knew no one anywhere nearby, you’re home alone - would you be worried/scared? Or something else?
First time mom here. I’m 7 weeks and 5 days and for the last 3 and a half weeks, my bump (or what I thought was my bump) was REALLY bumping. Now it looks like I’m not even pregnant yet so what the heck. Everything is fine. No bleeding or severe cramping. Just not much of a bump anymore. I go in Monday for my 8 week ...
I found out yesterday I was pregnant and now I'm having a miscarriage this is the third time this is happening I'm in so much pain I'm heartbroken Maybe my body is not ready I am dealing a lot of blood clots and pain I'm crying so much
I am pregnant 10+2 weeks today. I had a miscarriage in April and another one in September. I had a scan at 7+3 weeks with a strong heartbeat and started taking progesterone then. Today I was on the sofa with my family, noted something and felt like I wee myself. Went to the toilet and saw blood in my underwear, trou...
I recently lost my first pregnancy this summer, had a suction d&c and ended up in the er a week later for a 2nd suction d&c because half of my baby, placenta and umbilical cord was left inside of me. I almost died that day…at least I felt like I was going to die. This all happened 2 months ago. I am now trying for m...