Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
12 week scan complete! We aren’t finding out the gender but having fun speculating. Any thoughts 🩷🩵
I know this is like a repeated topic on here but I never thought it would be my turn to post about this. I had my 34 week appointment today and I’m measuring borderline 37cm. Midwife ofc referred me to have an ultrasound which is booked in for Friday but I can’t help and think something is wrong. She also said she’d...
Does anyone else have anxiety about their upcoming anatomy scan with all the unknown 😣
Hello, I had my 20 week scan today and didn’t find out the gender. I’ve since got home and spotted this little thing. What do you think?? 💗🩵
Have mine tomorrow anything interesting discussed ? Do they start measuring bump then ?
Two weeks til my scan and I just want it done now!! So impatient haha
Hi mums I am 8 weeks pregnant and I am bleeding I went to A and E Monday night with bleeding the doctor did all my observations all fine then the other doctor checked my cervix and said it was closed, and get my uterus all fine, but the bleeding has been heavy and the cramping has been just like what a period would...
12 week scan yesterday, do we think boy or girl? 🩷💙
Anybody else find it really uncomfortable and painful at times. It’s been a few hours since and I feel a bit uncomfortable still, not sure if that’s normal? Positive note baby is all fine, but I didn’t know how much they dig that thing in to you to see the baby! 😩
Had my 36 week growth scan today and baby has dropped from 97th percentile to 75th/80th with stomach measuring quite a bit smaller. Cord flow and fluid all looks normal. Has anyone had similar? They've booked me in for a 38 week growth scan and said to keep an eye on movements- the latter made me worry a bit so I v...
Currently 18 weeks and so impatient waiting for my 20 week gender scan! Any guesses while we wait? 🥰
Hi I’ve had a couple growth scans for reduced movements. Initially I was told I had poly ( excess fluid) and that it was likely down to gestational diabetes. I was told to go to my GD appointment have the test and then when my results came back they’d either look into things further or not if I have GD GD tests...
Hi just wondering if any other mams have experienced increased fluid behind baby neck at 11 weeks , my third pregnancy , first was a miscarriage, 2 healthy baby boy so I’ve never experienced any of this and just wondering if anyone had good outcomes
I’m trying to work out when to book my 4D scan, it says online 27/28 weeks does that sound about right? It says up to 34 weeks but that seems very late on! Currently 22+6 due May 29th ☺️ Any advice appreciated 💙
Hey guys! I have never had my OB or any techs mention to me what kind of placenta I have. Just wanting to get everyone's opinions on what they think I may have?
Has anyone else had their 35 week appointment yet? I had a super short cervical check today (like 10 seconds), doesn’t hurt at all, but MAN about 10-15 mins later I started having some serious cramp/contraction type feelings, and even tonight some intenseeeee lightning crotch and some cramping. I know this is supe...
Hi!! I was curious who all got a doppler? I am realizing throughout this pregnancy I'm far more paranoid than I already thought it was 😭 Is the doppler reassuring or does it scare you more? :(
Ladies any of you at Kings college hospital And do you know if you're allowed to bring toddlers to scans also are they allowed in the room with you ? UK BASED ANSWERS PLEASE Thank you
I’ve booked a scan for tomorrow I’ll be 8 weeks 6 days has anyone had a scan at a similar time and have any photos on what to expect ? I’m really nervous
Hi all! We are expecting baby #3 and this will be our first born in FL. In IA- we usually have 8weeks appointment and then 12 week ultrasound. Wondering if this is how all hospitals are in this area? I was fine with it but then I was doing a nurses call at 8weeks and they said “we won’t see you till 12 weeks or la...