Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
I’m five weeks Monday and I convince myself everyday that something is going to happen or go wrong 😭 constantly checking if my nipples are still sensitive or checking to see if I still feel bloated. Getting in my head that im not going to make it to my six week scan - that I still haven’t booked because I’m scared…
How much are scan photos at uhcw please?
Is the photo turned on an angle? I want to know which side left or right the baby had implanted, but I don’t know if she’s turned the photo as most ultrasounds are lengthways? Help! X
The hospitals really starting to piss me off lately, at my booking appointment they made me wait an hour for the midwife because she got her time wrong I was booking in for bloods and when i got there i had already had them done previously so didn’t need to have them they could of notified me before hand so i didn’t...
The wait from the first scan to the anonaly scan feels like forever. So worried somethings going to be wrong, I had my 16 week appointment but they don't let you listen to the heartbeat here so nothing reassuring about it. I'd book a private scan but my scan is on Thursday so feel it'd be too much in a short space o...
I have my anatomy ultrasound appointment in two weeks and I know it’s technically to just know if anything is wrong early but that’s scary cause what if something actually is wrong?? I’m so scared my baby might have one lung or he just randomly stopped growing
I had my 20 week scan today and so far all looked good… I’m just worried about something going wrong and having to explain it to him.
19+5 and we had our anatomy scan today! Baby girl is healthy as can be but I was told my cervix is measuring around 2.14 cm which is short. We met with MFM and I was started on vaginal progesterone suppositories with a follow up scan in 2 weeks to recheck the length. Wondering if anyone else is dealing with the same...
Hi all I went to get an US today and according to my last period I am 7 weeks (but I don't think that's accurate) but I had 2 sacs so 2 babies but nothing in the sacs... the doctor said it's probably too early and my hcg levels are 32,830 - idk if that's normal for twins and to not see anything? I am worried/confused.
When for a scan yesterday and dated me 6 weeks and 1 day, they could only see gestational sac… what could this mean?
20 week scan nub theory?
I've noticed that since every scan I've had (I'm now nearly 23 weeks) that my babies legs are over their head. - 16 week private, 20 week and 22 weeks (I have to have extra scans due to small baby last time) - I googled this and looks like the baby is frank breech. They haven't mentioned anything as I've had a diffe...
Is it worth in your opinion getting an early scan? Currently 6 weeks 2 days. Debating on booking a scan either at 7/8/9 weeks.
I’m 6 weeks and due to my lack of symptoms I’m really scared something isn’t right. I’ve booked an early reassurance scan privately for Sunday the 26th to see if everything is okay until my 12 week scan but I can’t help but feel so incredibly scared. I mean I know that I’m getting positive pregnancy tests but how c...
Has anyone had a scan at 10 weeks? I'll be 10 weeks 3 days and going for a private scan, my son wants to see the bubba. I've had a scan at 6 weeks and 8 weeks. Pic attached What can you see at 10 weeks? Can you hear bubba also?
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am a first time mum so seems appropriate. Baby boy has just been back to the hospital to check his heart murmur. It's still there, and he is being referred for an Echo in a few weeks. I just broke down in tears so worried and feel like a failure. Has anyone gone through this?
I went for my 20week scan a couple months ago to be told i have a low lying placenta. Today I'm 32 + 2 and sent me back for a further scan which the placenta is still low at 9.2 and she's transverse (lay sideways). They are sending me for a last scan on 14th Feb to see if it's finally moved up. If not then I'll ne...
I’ve just got my letter through for my 12 week scan but I will only be 11 weeks exactly! Would you call and get it changed?
Well, we have another 3 weeks to wait til the gender scan but would be interested what people think.. I keep reading up on the nub theory and have NOOOO idea how to work it out 🤣🤣
We have our gender scan tomorrow, but any guesses from our 12 week scan?