Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Well, we have another 3 weeks to wait til the gender scan but would be interested what people think.. I keep reading up on the nub theory and have NOOOO idea how to work it out 🤣🤣
We have our gender scan tomorrow, but any guesses from our 12 week scan?
Just had my last scan at 34+6 , what was everyone’s baby’s weighing at this stage ?
Hey everyone. Hope your well? Does anyone know if I have to pay for my 12 week scan pics? Tia xxx
My time is finally coming up for the first scan at the NHS, I was wondering if they print the photo for you like they do at private clinics or are you able to take the picture yourself? I was really hoping to use it to tell family that I’m pregnant 🙈
Hi everyone, Got measured as small (under the expected) today so have been referred for a scan. I've seen some people have said it's really quick (like, next working day) whilst others have had to wait. Midwife didn't know but said I might get a phonecall today. Has anyone had this? I'm not too worried as I am sma...
Hey mums, hoping people don’t mind me posting here I’m just scared and not sure what to do. I had a self test cervical screen done in November and it detected HPV (not 16 and 18) so I am required to go back and get a pap smear done. I have booked and cancelled that pap smear about 20 times out of fear of finding...
Morning everyone, happy Friday! Just wondering what people’s predictions would be based on this scan photo pretty please?
This is my 13w4d scan. Im dying to know the gender🙈. Is this confirmed boy?
Hey everyone. I had an IUD placed on December 11th. Last week I had a string check for my appointment and they could not find my strings. They scheduled an ultrasound. My ultrasound was today. They could not find the strings at the ultrasound today either. An x-ray was ordered to see if they could find it on there. ...
I had an ultrasound yesterday and was told that I have a scar ectopic pregnancy and would need to get it treated asap….. I got another today with a different OB and the ultrasound was NORMAL. Not ectopic at all💀and it looked NOTHING like the ultrasound I got yesterday. It’s as if everything shifted to the right…
I find these incredibly painful and intrusive. How would I be admitted into hospital/centre without them being able to check how dilated I am though? Is there any other way
super long shot but can anyone tell what i’m having from my 13 week scan?? i’m so upset with this hospital and the quality of the photo(s) they give…plus they only give you ONE? with my first pregnancy i got 3 different photos from different angles every single time ☹️☹️
I’m not sure if I should be worried due to my baby slowing his growth down I last was scanned on 31st Dec (at 33 weeks) baby weighing around 4lbs 7oz now being 36 weeks 2 days he is 5 lbs 6oz I’ve been told his only at 12 percentile but midwife said he’s growing at a normal rate. Just been comparing my sizes to othe...
So I had an emergency scan yesterday at 35+5 because of reduced movements. They measured her and she’s coming out at a whopping 6.8lbs give or take! I’m due Feb 21st. Are they going to want to induce me early being quite large for her gestational age? I won’t lie I’m absolutely petrified of being induced and giving ...
So I went for a private dating scan today and they said I am 1 week and 2 days earlier than my midwife’s edd. This means I am 9 + 4 rather than 10 +6. Should I be concerned
Hey all, had my 36 week appointment today and have been told that bump is measuring 34 weeks instead of 36, I am having an emergency scan on Sunday, have any of you girls experienced this?
I'm 36 +2 and the growth scan just said baby is 3.7 kilos...has anyone had any similar experiences and not had a massive baby? 😅
Sent my 13 week scan off to a nubologist. A friend used this one last year and it was correct - we’ll find out in 3 weeks whether ours is! https://earlyglimpse.com/
They found a shadow on one of the scan photos and I'm being sent to a specialist for a second scan. I asked my Dr to call my husband because she would be able to explain better. Now he's going on about organ failure, surgery and transplants. Having to live in a group home. We don't even have an appointment for the...