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Hey, odd question and I realise all little ones are different but just wondered how often your little ones are going for a wee? I feel like my lg is going less now and wondered if it's because she is able to store it better..or if she isn't drinking enough 🤔
Hey everyone, last night was a rough one with our almost 6 month old. She had a slight temp before bed but calpol done the trick, all night she’s been screaming in her sleep like she’s in pain and either one/both of her cheeks have been really really warm and quite red. Is this a sign of teething? She already has he...
My eldest is 4 and a half years old, he’s been dry during the day since he was 2 and a half. He’s always struggled with nighttime dryness but has recently cracked it and has been dry for 2 months. However for the last week he has consistently wet the bed. We’ve tried having a wee at 6pm when we get his pjs on and ...
Does anyone else’s toddler get super red cheeks
We had our first dentist appointment today I didn’t know we didn’t need toothpaste at this age but we also found out we have tooth 5 and 6 coming soon
Soo I've gotta have two fillings tomorrow, and I've just found I'm pregnant. Does this mean I have to have the procedure medication free? Are they still allowed to numb my mouth for the work? Surely there's something I can have🤷🏽♀️ UK based. NHS if that makes any difference.
(How many times do you need to change a #2 diaper/ times do they go #2 on the potty?)
Hi mamas, What potty training apps do you guys use to help you keep track of the time to put them back on the toilet? I’m beginning to start and try to put her on the pot every 30 min. I just need a reminder. Thank you!
So today my 3yrs old told me he needs to poo and we put he on the toilet straight away and he pooped. I haven't started potty training I was waiting for Feb holidays to start. But since he already pooped on the toilet today, I was thinking shall I just start from tomorrow? And stop prolonging it. Also i got carpet i...
So my daughter is 3 in March, she’s fully potty trained day and night ( all her, I have no advice whatsoever 🙈) when she’s at home she’s super attached to me and i go with her every time to wipe her (number 1’s and two’s) however at nursery she goes on her own for both and I feel I need to teach her to wipe her bum…
What are signs of teething in 4 month old? My baby drools a lot and gnaws on her hands all the time, but I thought that could also be a sign of just exploring their hands? Shes going through sleep regression as well so I can’t figure if its teething, sleep regression, both?
My daughter’s 2.5 and we started potty training 2 weeks ago and she was doing brilliant on the potty. She goes to nursery for 5 hours a day twice a week and she has come home today with fresh pants on, a nappy and knickers over the top of the nappy. When dad picked her up they said she’s been using the potty, didn’...
My 3 year old has been having behaviour problems for a while but has been manageable. This week I have stayed calm as I can see he’s frustrated but I cannot change his nappy, he’s suddenly decided he is in charge of everything and if I try change his nappy he bites and kicks and I can’t get it on. And he tries to ge...
Heyyy, when would you expect your baby to be teething, my baby has been fussy today and cheeks look a little red; was wondering if it was the start of her teeth 😂
For everyone looking to potty train, here's what the data (from parents across the US that subscribe to the website listed on the photo) shows for the different method success rates.
I potty trained my 3 year old in November and after a slow start she took to it really well and we had basically cracked it at home, in nursery and out and about. Since January however we have taken a complete back step and it’s like day one again. Constant accidents. Not even trying to go to the loo and just letti...
We started potty training today and it’s been eventful for say the least. The only signs he’s shown is that he’s interested in the toilet, he’s getting distressed with bum changes and often has dry nappies. He’s only had around 5/6 accidents today which I think is brilliant considering however we have to put him on...
I know it might sound weird but I think I have started grinding my teeth post partum I am waking up with really bad headache and jaw ache almost like cramp in my face. My front tooth has chipped slightly on the end and the one next to it feels almost wobbly or like it's moving ( it's not falling out or anything) I j...
My baby has been fussing and crying basically all day every day for a month.. nothing I try helps. He’s 7.5 months and has teeth coming in non stop. Doctor suggested trying Mortrin instead of Tylenol but nothing has helped. I’m going to lose my mind 😭😭 I’m really worried that something is wrong but I don’t know…
When’s everyone planning to start potty training?