Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training frustration

Waited too long to potty train my almost 4 year old boy. Working on my 2 year old girl now, and she seems to be picking it up with ME. However, when my husband is with her, she seems to be more anxious about it. My son refuses to go to the toilet with dad and there’s power struggles daily. I AM TIRED OF SAVING MY H...



My LO is 6 months and she’s been teething on and off for the past couple months, her most recent phase has really unsettled her but I’m now noticing a whitish area on her gums but the location seems off to me, it’s completely thrown my off on where her teeth are supposed to be coming through, I was expecting to see ...


Potty training

My little boy is 3 in February and is not potty trained at all. I'm so embarrassed, I feel like I've let him down by leaving him so long and he'll never show any signs of being ready cos it's easier to stay in nappies. I'd just like some advice I suppose, especially from people with carpets 😂 how did you go about…


Potty training

What is everyone doing to potty train their kids cause I have twins and remembering to put them on the potty on every hour is exhausting.


Signs my toddler is ready to potty train

So my 22 month old is showing signs of potty training I think. -When he sees the toilet he keeps saying mumma sit and goes yay when he sits on it. -every time he does a wee in his nappy he comes to me asking for me to take it off and put on a new one. -when he goes in his nappy he hides and doesn’t want people looki...


Potty training tips. Please help!!

I’m trying to potty train my almost 4 year old son. The first 3 days were rough. After 4th day he got it. And now we are trying to get him to go potty before bed and he doesn’t go. He’ll wake up and pissed in the bed. How do I get him to stop. I’m staying at my moms house and she is been a little hard on him. She sp...


Advice on little boys wee flow

When my lb does a wee, it comes out at an angle and not straight. If this makes sense? I don’t know much about boys having a wee so don’t know if this is a normal thing?


Potty training

Please can I have some advice! My boy is 19 months old and my MIL and I were discussing potty training. She “told” me we need to let him run round with no nappy (diaper) and if we hear he’s going to try a poo we sit him on the potty! I disagree, I think the best way is sit him on it every hour or whenever and if h...



So my son’s 3yr old and still is showing no signs of wanting to use the potty or toilet. He finds it hard to deal with change in routines, doesn’t like being naked obsessed with the nappy being on. He’s done the odd wee on the potty a while back but didn’t seem to want to continue it. His dad’s managed to get him o...



How long can teething last? He started teething 2 weeks ago but they’ve stopped just under the gum line and haven’t moved since? One has slightly pierced the gum but that’s it and no change in over a week. Baby is miserable


Potty Training

Hi, I know it’s too early but did anyone start potty training the baby at 14m


2 month old teething

My two month old is teething he’s been more fussy than usual any recommendations on what to do?? I gave him Camila drops and it didn’t seem to do anything because he was still fussy. Please help 😫


Potty training?

I know it is probably early but when do you plan on attempting to potty train? She is my first so I'm just curious.


Potty Training Question

We started potty training our 3 year old boy. After about 7 accidents today, he finally went in the potty and had a total melt down. Of course, we were confused. Like, yay! You did it! But he just cried. Is this normal? Did we do something wrong?


teething? photos added

hi all! just curious, is this teething?? we’ve noticed white lines on her gums but it’s not coming off. she’s been so clingy recently, bad nappy rash which is improving, also taken to her dummy which she never liked before, she’ll only sleep on me or next to me, drooling, chewing on everything! thank you!


Incontinence at 38 weeks

Anyone else struggling with this!? I’m wearing Tena liners as I feel like the babe is just sitting on my bladder and I sometimes struggle to get to the loo quite in time - it’s just a small drop not loads but during the night a couple of times when I’ve got out of bed I have less control and have had a couple of sma...


Dentist needed

Hello! Does anyone have recommendation for a dentist within five miles of west la? I’m looking for someone who only suggests dental procedures when they are necessary.



Are these teeth coming? She’s 5 months old and has been teething for what feels like forever 😆


Potty training!

Hello! Looking to start potty training my boy in the next month or so. Have already decided I’m not using a potty but going to try the toilet first instead with a seat and steps. Just looking for some advice and tips on where to start? My boy tells me when he’s done a poo but not a pee? How do I know if he’s actuall...


Potty training tips

On how to encourage using the toilet? I’m thinking of giving a sticker every time they tell me they need it, what has worked for you? I’m just starting on potty training. Tia


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