Community Posts, Tips & Support on Toddler & Child

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.

Baby food.

How much gerber baby food (purée) Does your baby eat? My son is 9 months old and eats 2-3 cans a day. Sometimes less. Including his formula every 3 hrs 4-6oz bottles. Just curious at this age?


What would you do? Custody

We are reaching The stretch in custody but we are stuck in place the master vouched for us to have friday-monday and week on week off in the summer but bio moms saids no to us dropping her at school because "she has a schedule" and she can take bus but she wants to be in charge of it. now we can hope she agrees or...


Eats practically nothing at home.

My 2 year old never seems hungry at home. She’s eats lots at nursery or if at grandparents house, but when she’s at home she never wants to eat. I don’t know how she isn’t hungry. Yesterday she had one bite of toast, refused anything else I tried to give her, had a few bits of cheese and a mouthful of yoghurt for l...


Dwindling friendships

Here we go another “where did my friends go” post. One of my oldest and closest friends has rescheduled a meet up as of today for a fourth time. 1-okay 2- damn adult life 3- are you actually trying to meet up? I gave 3 different dates and a selection of restaurants. Answered in time for last offered date and didn’...


Should I seek a professional?

So my lg has always struggled to eat well I think. Before when Ive tried to feed her she would refuse but recently I am able to feed her and she’ll take it just fine but it can take up to hours to finish one single meal, it consumes my whole day tbh. She has to have the TV on or we’d be playing in the play pen in or...


Could this be thush?

I noticed the front white spot/sore a couple days ago(i just started giving bm again), I thought it was milk but I tried cleaning her tongue a few times and its not coming off just getting worse. Any idea? And yes I'm going to the dr in the morning


Tips, tricks, and advice for household upkeep

Like the title says, I need it all. Please help. I’m only going to get worse health wise and my kids are still young as in toddler-child ages. I want to teach them all I can, give them a good home, and not make myself worse.



Hello! Hi! I’m exhausted. Feeling defeated. I have an independent 19 month old toddler who rules this house. And I mean…is spoiled. When we are out in public or even home she acts like a fool. She is throwing temper tantrums. Not staying close by near my husband and I and doing her own thing. Obviously I am well ...


Vent/Rant - Depression/Isolation Feelings

I've been feeling trapped, isolated, depressed, all of it. My husband comes home from work and is so tried he takes a nap pretty much after hellos and a snack. Now I understand he's tired, he worked all day but damn, I'm soo sick of feeling still alone after he comes home. Unfortunately we had one of our cars break ...


What was the last straw?

I'd like to hear from others when they knew their relationship was not worth it anymore? Mine was when I went to my bf (ex now) house and I called asking him to make sure the door was open for me to come in with our baby (it's winter). And I'm greeted with a face full of anger and huffing. So I ask why are you huff...


A Few Days Ago 🔥🔥😋😋🤤

So I had a single mama order a small order of my carrot cake cups for her kids small get together. They loved them! And I loved them right along with them 🤣🤣🤣 I was so damn happy I had two cups worth of left overs 🤤🤤 This picture is my second cup 🤣🤣 yes.. yes it is a cheese dip jar. We don’t throw glass away…


In laws

I’m wondering if anyone has the same issue as me. I feel like my mother in law keeps overstepping the boundaries. My husband calls her 4/5 times per week with my 11 month old daughter. I find it too much and very controlling. He was adopted by her and I really am trying to be empathetic but most of the time it feels...


A Few Weeks Ago: Valentines Edition For My Little Kings 🤎💜

I Will Post The Other Meals In The Comments. This Photo Was Our Lunch! So damn good 😮‍💨 It was clam chowder, all fresh ingredients served with fresh homemade half (wheat) n half (white) bread topped with a rosemary and garlic butter spread. Breakfast was a delicious fresh homemade apple and sweetened cream cheese…


Picky Eater??

Hi all!! My toddler is 14 months old and refuses almost everything with texture. He would much rather have pureed food still. I feel like I am at a loss as we offer him everything we eat every meal (which is a wide variety). Any tips, suggestions would be appreciated!! I don’t know if this is a cause for concern?? 🙁


I’m pissed 🙃

Two weeks ago my husband went out for beers with coworkers because it was his last day. He said a couple hours when he left at 2 and wasn’t home until almost 9 leaving me to spontaneously do dinner and bedtime for all three kids alone. I tried to let it slide because he never does that. Tonight he said he was goin...


Body books on anatomy and “private parts”

Any recommendations for books that teach toddlers about their bodies as they start to grow and explore themselves more? My daughter has started asking about her vagina. (Important to note: We believe in teaching her the proper names for things and destigmatizing shame around our own bodies)


CMPA safe food ?

Hello! My little girl is 5 months and we’re looking into weaning her with either baby porridge or baby rice with purées. Does anyone have any dairy free recommendations? Thank you!


Gamer baby daddy

I just need to rant. I am 5 weeks pp with my first baby and I am so sick of my bf not helping. He helped at first but now he is back to his usual video games all day. I EBF so that is on me which I have no problem with but he only changes maybe one diaper a week and doesn’t help in any other way. He lets our dog out...


Would this bother you?

My stepdad has seen my baby a total of 3x. He got offended cus I said I want to hold off on him using the grandfather title when I was pregnant since he kept mentioning it so much .so he distanced himself for months. Now he’s came around and I feel like he’s gone to the other extreme again. The first time when he sa...


Single mama

My husband and I of 7 years recently divorced because he had a baby with another woman! He wants nothing to do with our 2 children or the baby I’m currently pregnant with! He said he doesn’t want to know when the baby is born or gender, nothing! He moved out last month, so he don’t live close anymore… I’m so stuck w...


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