Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
How much milk/water/juice does your LO drink in a day? He still has milk more than water and hasn’t had juice before. Wondering if I should be switching some of his milk for water/juice instead now as he’s still having a fair few bottles a day along with food Tia
My little boy is 16 months old and still only eats a really limited diet. For breakfast he’ll eat things like toast, crumpets, pancakes, porridge, weetabix. For lunch he’ll eat a tiny sandwich with cheese and ham or a bit of a savoury muffin. He’ll eat endless fruit and yoghurt. He won’t eat any ‘dinner foods’. I’v...
We went out for brunch for Mother’s Day so he had a late breakfast but he definitely can’t skip lunch. I made a snack plate and popped it down in his playroom for him to run around and pick at. I’ll put him down for a nap and bring the snack plate out when he wakes up if he doesn’t finish it before. Watermelon, gr...
My little boy is coming up to 5 and a half months and I want to start preparing for when he weans (going to start on purée) but I have so many questions 😭 like how many times a day do I feed him to start? How many bottles does he have? How will I know if he’s not just gagging??
Anyone else 22 Month old not eating.. because same, its driving me mad and making me feel a failure because shes not eating and i dont want her to loose weight.. any help appreciated
We are doing 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, but lately she is always hungry and I’m running out of ideas.
I am encountering difficulties with my 20-month-old daughter, who insists on drinking only formula milk and refuses solid food, despite being introduced to solids at six months. Can fellow mothers offer advice? Have your children gone through a similar phase? What approaches worked best for you?
Hi moms! Where I live, the weather is finally starting to get better. With that being said, I want take my boy out more. The only concern is he gets hungry around 3 hours. How are you keeping milk close by to go on adventures? I want to go to the zoo with him but I’m scared of how to handle feedings! Thank you!
Hi! I am a single mom and have an almost two year old son, and I desperately need help with meal ideas! We live alone, and my son goes to daycare which covers breakfast, snacks, and lunch everyday, but after work, we both get home and only have about 2-3 hours max before he goes to bed. I need quicker and easier mea...
Does anyone else really panic giving their baby finger foods? My baby is 7.5 months old and I’ve mostly given her purees so far and she’s worked up to lumpier textures. I’ve given her a few melty sticks to try as finger foods and sticks of fruit but it gives me such bad anxiety and I absolutely hate it! I’m worried ...
Long story short, my husband has been staying home with my son while I went back to work after maternity leave and he has been job hunting. Baby boy is on solids and formula now but when I go to work 4 days of the week, my husband isn’t good at giving the solids so my son only eats a solid meal at dinner when I come...
Does your baby now use cutlery or are they still spoon fed?
Has anyone introduced solids at 4 months?
My little girl is turning one next week and we have invited some of her little friends over to celebrate. I’d like to make some cupcakes that the little ones could enjoy and I’m looking for a simple recipe, anyone have a tried and tested one? Picture of my lil bub 🫶🏻
Can people show me/tell me their portion sizes for their little ones please? I’m struggling to find the right balance for the amount of food! My girl is 7 months and is like a hungry hippo 😂 I’m doing puree/ a little bit of baby weaning. For example, an Ella’s pouch, should they have the whole thing in one…
How much does your 1 year old babies weigh.. my son’s dr says he’s underweight .. he weighs 25 pounds and 9oz. Also, any snack,lunch &/or dinner ideas?
So my baby girl just turned 4 months old, and my doctor told me to start feeding her solids like very bland vegetable and fruit purees. I’m so nervous as I think she’s still too young and can’t really sit up straight or hold her neck properly. What do you all think?
Literally as I type this, I am cooking my toddler dinner and my mil can see me cooking my child dinner. She’s now proceeded to feed my toddler a whole bag of chips?? Like can’t she see I’m literally making her dinner right now… She’s going to be too full to eat dinner now 😒 am I right to be annoyed?
Baby won’t transition from purée food. I’ve tried lumpy food she spits it out then refuses to eat. Then things like toast, egg, porridge fingers.. she will pick it up eventually put it in her mouth then gag and puke everything out. Feeling deflated not sure how to progress
Please tell me I’m not alone, has anyone’s 15month old stop eating like usual, for about 2 days now my son doesn’t want to eat his breakfast or dinner he might take a few nibbles but that’s it, I am still breastfeeding so I’m hoping that’s helping but I’m kinda worried now, I have to wait until Monday to call his pe...