Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
He used to be a really good eater and would try anything, but over the last few months he just won’t eat anything unless it’s fruit or cherry tomatoes. He won’t even put it near his mouth. I’ve tried everything and I don’t know what else to do. He will eat the sachets of baby food but if I blend something he won’t e...
Is anyone else baby not showing interest in food ,just breastmilk? Iam so stressed that he is 8 months now but from real food he eats just 5-7 spoons of fruity pouche and thats it(( Any advice?
Blueberry quesadilla with hemp seeds and banana coins
Is anyone else's 1 year old eating an unbelieve amount of food at the minute? I feel like I just can't fill him at the minute. He's eating nearly every 2 hours whether it's snacking or meals. I've been given him quite big portions to try and fill him up a bit but no luck. Is this normal? 😂
Hey, my little boy is feeling unwell and is barely eating. I'm at a loss for what foods to offer. So far he ate 3 tiny bites of a pancake, refused toast and then ate a biscuit at a snails pace. I know it's a waiting game for when he's ready to eat properly but just looking for some ideas to at least offer for now. T...
I need ideas for good proteins for my almost 8m old. She started on purées around 4.5 months and some solids around 6m and she is currently still doing a sort of combo of BLW and purées. I’m trying to move her more towards only blw but I need ideas! What are some good proteins and how to feed them? Also, just other ...
How do you deal with fussy eating/food refusal. At my wits end and feel like im losing patients around meal times but also have this worry about him not eating anything and going hungry. Even things he used to like he wont eat anymore so i dont even know what to try him with. Im just not sure how to navigate this
I struggle with ideas for breakfast. What do you give your little ones? I can’t keep giving him ONLY porridge and yogurt 😂 I have tried toast but he keeps biting off huge pieces and trying to swallow the whole thing which makes me anxious!
The last 12 months, we have all been so focused on giving our kids the best nutrition. Especially no salt and no sugar BUT when they hit one, apparently, we can give that all to them! I'm weirdly enjoying the no salt/ no sugar- it has made me also watch how much im consuming, and im loving the results. I'm thinking...
So my daughter only has 2 teeth right now (her bottom 2) i feed her mac n cheese and some little pieces of like chicken and pancakes and she does really well with eating that stuff. But what other foods can I give her ? Basically what are all of you guys feeding your babies?? I'm just so worried bc she's had stomach...
My nearly 18 month old eats such tiny portions of food at meal times, if anything at all! She’s a healthy, big girl and always busy, singing; chatting, directing orders etc! So she’s clearly getting more than enough good stuff for her development, but I’m concerned nearly all of that is relying on breast milk... whi...
Hi !!! My daughter is going to be 15 months soon but she still eats very little and if she eats any lumpy or hard food she chews it and never swallows. What i have read and seen by this age she should have proper big meals and swallow it. She is eating smooth foods which is all liquid. Btw she is still breastfed. A...
We are going on a little road trip for my birthday in 2 weeks.. He’s a picky eater does not eat much. We are staying at a hotel just for one night. Was hoping for some suggestions of what I should bring with me for him to eat. He’s on whole milk and also toddler formula right now. He drinks the toddler formula at ...
Hey Ladies, It’s one of my friends at works birthday and I want to turn up and surprise her with some gifts as I’m on maternity leave! I don’t want to buy the wrong chocolate/sweets, can anyone recommend anything? 💖
What type of toast are we giving our babies? Are we adding butter and warming it up or keeping it soft?
Toddler not eating properly last 2 days. I think at the back may be coming out. But she doesn't really cry other than winge. I'm worried that she's not eating properly! Advice please.
What are your nearly 10 month olds weighing? We’re only 16lb and nearly on the 0th percentile! Any suggestions on fatty non diary foods? And how are we encouraging milk intake! He really does not wanna drink his milk anymore ! Thank you please help a mumma out here
She will try and taste playdoh, puts stickers her mouth, I can’t have any small toys around either because she does the same. I thought she would have outgrown this by now 😣
Hey all, anyone’s LO here go to a nursery where you take a packed lunch in? Running out of ideas and LO seems to want more on his packed lunch Just need some easy packed healthy lunch ideas LO is 15 months old
Chicken, broccoli and sweetcorn noodle soup.