Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
My girl is 4months and I’m unsure weather to start baby porridge or not however I can’t seem to find any dairy free ones for 4-6months all the dairy free organix ones seem to say 6 months which I know is the reccomended age for weaning but all others say 4 months. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations or ...
We're okay with her afternoon meal, she just has what we're having. I really struggle to think of lunches for her though.
We haven't done regular messy play but he obviously does a little bit at nursery (with shaving foam etc). Occasionally when he gets fed up with his food, he'll start playing with it, smearing it across the high chair or scrunching it up in his hands before throwing on the floor. In my opinion this is regular toddler...
Just after some reassurance please! My little girl has not taken to solids at all, I have offered purées (either leaving her to grab the spoon or me trying to feed her) and finger foods and not a single crumb has passed her lips! She just clamps her mouth shut and/or won’t put any food in her mouth (puts anything...
I have realised I don't think I'm giving my daughter enough meat in meals (9months old) What meat meals do you give? I did blend up a stew the other day and she loved that and she has spaghetti bolognaise too however I need ideas for lunch times. We have made tuna and cheese patties but I'm struggling for cold lunc...
Is anyone else's 2 year old still putting everything in their mouth? He's coming up on 25 months and constantly putting things in his mouth I've contacted my health visitor but they never get back to me.
My almost 8 months old started to offer me spoon of his food. This is the cutest thing! Is this early sign of empathy? Anyone experienced that?
Just want some other mums experiences or opinions on going out for a meal with little ones, my husband wants to take me and our 8 month old out for Valentines day and obviously we will be eating dinner but I don't want my baby to be sat with no food, she eats solids (finger foods) in your opinion is it better to tak...
How can i get my 2 year old to eat more or eat in general. Everything we seem to make it never satisfies him.
Hi ladies, I’m having a really tough time weaning my little boy, he’s not been interested in food since I started weaning him. He still cries and screams until he gets his milk. I’ve tried offering food before milk but he just tries a huge tantrum until he gets some. I offer him a variety of different nutritious foo...
Anyone else’s BF baby annoying to feed? 🤣 lately he’s been distracted by ANYTHING. And will turn his head and look elsewhere. Or latches on for one suck and let’s go. I’ve taken away ALL distractions and he still does it. 🙄 so annoying! Feeds that take 5-10 mins are taking longer now and I end up just waiting until…
When are we introducing food to our little one? We have a push pop feeder and I’d love to try it with him.
Anyone else’s little one suddenly obsessed with eating invisible food and acting out scenarios etc? 💭
My lo is nearly 16 months old and is super cute and squidgey however, she has a really big belly. Is this normal? She’s a big girl generally (tall and on 99th percentile) but I have noticed her belly protrudes. Can toddlers be overweight or is the potbelly a normal toddler thing?
Babies who are sleeping through the night. How much food is a little one eating through the day?
Weird one…. My LO has stopped eating veg when presented to him on a plate at the table. However I noticed he would pick bits up from the floor and eat them when I’ve got him down from the high chair and am cleaning up. So today after dinner I put a small plate on the floor with carrots and corn on… and he kept comin...
My son refuses to eat any meat or fish. Also he’ll eat is plain food for example when I make him pasta with salmon he wouldn’t eat the salmon. Also my son hates rice for some reason. When he refuses should I just not offer him other meals and just keep offering the same meal ???
Any suggestions for fussy eaters would be much appreciated! My daughter turns 1 on Wednesday and over the course of the last two weeks we have started to reduce her formula and introduce more cows milk. Whilst she seems to be hungrier for food rather than filling up on formula, she can be very fussy with what she e...
As in packs of ham for sandwiches. My LO doesn’t eat meat at all but today she seems to like ham but it only dawned on me after she ate some that it’s not cooked and solid starts suggests cooking deli meats