Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
my little boy had his 1 year injections 3 weeks ago now and still hasn’t got his appetite back since having them. He was mostly on formula still as is a bit weird with food but is currently having less than 10 oz a day and still only eating a few mouthfuls of food a day? Has anyone else had anything similar happen
15 weeks pregnant and thinking of meals that sound good is getting hard to do. Let me know what your favorite meals are currently. Thanks :)
I asked the husband (rare occasion) to feed LG dinner, I prepped the food and handed it to him whilst I cook. He gave her a few spoonfuls and gave up as she was refusing. When I'd asked how he fed her, he hasn't put her in her highchair (which she's used to and knows its mealtime) and he was feeding her in his lap...
My daughter is so picky, sometimes she eats biscuit for dinner.
We’ve been taking it quite slow with introducing different textures of food while BLW . I have left rice and pasta last because I have no clue where to start. How did you introduce them to baby?
Hi moms! My (FTM here) little one is 5 months old so I was thinking about starting to introduce foods but I’m feeling completely lost and a bit nervous on how to go about doing this? Our pediatrician okayed starting to introduce foods in a 1 new food every 3-5 days ratio. I was just wondering how some of you are goi...
Would you ask nursery if your lo always returns home without her cutlery in her lunch bag? I feel it’s weird to ask them lol Someone might say it’s just a cutlery just get them another 😁 Opinions are welcomed TIA
He watches me eat and if I pretend to hand him some he flails his arms bc he can’t even reach for things yet. But excited to have a fellow foodie soon!!
Hi everyone! For those whose LO’s are at nursery during the day and eat a lot, what do you do for dinner times? My LO eats his lunch at midday and then a tea at around 4, I try to then make a normal dinner at around half 5 but I am finding he rarely eats/throws it on the floor 🫠 So wonder if I should just do snacky…
My nieces were over and they’re big fans of oven dinners, so when their mum made them some chicken nuggets my LO snatched a few lol. I’d love to give her these oven dinners but the salt content just KILLS me. Their tiny bodies aren’t ready for it yet (she’s 15 months old). Wise to attempt to make my own? If so, do y...
Hey friends! My 1 year old boy refuses to eat any solid food besides the little star puffs 😬 does anyone have tips that worked for them?
My LO attempts 3 meals a day. Breakfast is an absolute yes, lunch is meh and dinner it depends on mood and what's being served. Today she napped late so she was woken at 1 and we were going to eat out. Barely any milk since 10ish, and refused lunch but had 2 melt sticks. Got home barely any milk but I could hear he...
He is so fussy or just not interested in food. I don’t know what to do anymore
Everyone tells me to give my 9 mo bits of my food so she can explore different tastes. The problem is, I love spicy food and so that's half of what I eat. Thai curry and Buffalo wings, pickled Jalapeños straight from the jar, and basically everything coated in my favorite hot sauce. Obviously I'd take a lower spice ...
I currently give my daughter breakfast at 08:00 (she stopped wanting her milk first, and eats really well at breakfast time. Then she has lunch at 11:30/12 And a bottle after this as she usually doesn’t do very well with food. Then has dinner at 4:00/4:30.. and again doesn’t do very well most of the time. She h...
You guys my son is killing me. I have a baby who's starting to crawl and I keep having to pull food out of her mouth my son keeps throwing on the floor. He can't sit still, won't sit at a table to eat. Doesn't matter if I vacuum and clean up after him I can't seem to find all of it. My house isn't the cleanest but m...
My son will be 2 in the beginning of May and he just prefers eating everything with his hands... We’ve been working on using a spoon and fork and he uses it a little better now but only minimal improvement.. anyone else experiencing this?
Hiya all what healthy snacks do You give your little ones looking for ideas? I’m happy to make stuff from scratch too thank you ☺️
(He ate the cheese before I took the picture waiting for the rest to cool 😂) Cheesy beef ragu. We flatten his gnocchi with a fork and give it to him as finger food. We mix some in the ragu and have some plain.
Anyone else's toddler just purely surviving off of air and yogurt 🥲anything I give him he doesn't want he's super picky. Lately I been worried like how is he even functioning and running around without food. He's overweight a bit so he's gaining weight somehow.. what can I do?