Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I’ve only been doing g puree but I want to start introducing proper food. I’ve seen people mention an app that tells you the correct way to sever the food in a safe way. Can anyone tell me what the app is called
It’s day 3 now and my son is refusing to eat anything but he is drink water and milk which is good. Should I be worried him not eating?
My LG is 8 months old and I really want to give BLW a try I tried when she was 6 months old but I was too scared she was going to choke so I stuck to puree. She eats buttered toast every now and then but when I gave her omelette she finds it hard to chew and it tends to just stay in her mouth. What kind of foods sh...
Question for only families that are limiting intake of processed foods, fried foods and sugar: What do you do at birthday parties, holiday events, etc where junk food is normalized?
Anyone else’s baby completely on solid food? My baby has milk as a beverage but will only eat solid food. We’re doing baby-led weaning because keeping up with her and her appetite is challenging at times.
I’ve seen her doctor numerous times about her eating and she tells me it’s very normal for toddlers to not eat much but as a mum this is really concerning to me. I can just about get her to have 4oz of whole milk mixed with chocolate milk everyday and that’s WITH effort which is no where near enough that’s recommen...
My daughters just turned 1 on Saturday, is it best to get her onto oatmilk asap? We still have about 7 tins of aptamil pepti left. I have started putting some oat milk into a few bottles here and there and she’s not minded!
I recently started solids for my 6 month old baby. We did carrot puree (mixed with breast milk), smashed bananas, smashed avacado, smashed sweet potato. My baby can sit upright, has head and neck control, and is interested to take the food to the mouth. However after tasting the food he’s never swallowing it, ra...
How are you guys practicing BLW while also making sure your LO is actually getting their food? My little boy loves his food and always wants to hold it, but as soon as he does it's either smeared across him or chucked on the floor!
How much solids are your babies actually eating? I feel like mine would eat a lot more than I’m letting. I don’t want them to be full on solids and not have enough milk. Is that the right thing to do? Or should I let them have as much as they want?
Anyone else’s toddler snack throughout the day like there’s no tomorrow and refuse to eat their lunch/dinner? I need to limit the snacks. Can anyone give me suggestions on healthy/more filling snacks? My little boy will break up from nursery for Christmas this Friday and I don’t want him to just snack and not eat ...
Sometimes my LO devours brekkie and other times he’s not keen . Not sure if I should switch to giving him just milk and then letting him eat there
Can anyone recommend a weaning routine for my 6 month old please? i’m really struggling with what to start on, how many times he should eat a day etc. i deal with things a lot better when i have it written out in black and white for me, so im just looking for recommendations of meals and times so i can create a cha...
My little boy is such a fussy eater to the point where he just won’t eat all day . He was such a good eater as a baby then boom he hit 1 and half and decided he doesn’t want most foods definitely not anything veg related etc . Me and my partner battle each night to get him to eat such little amounts. His then waking...
I think my 11 month old has gone off certain foods. He has been a foodie ever since I weened him. But in the past week, he’s not been eating as much as normal, being very picky and completely gone off textured or lumpy food! All he’ll happily eat is porridge, toast and skips or wotsits. Hoping it’s just a phase and ...
okay so my son is 10 months and i know he’s ready to have more chunky food but im not 😅 my son does really well with purées but he’s been wanting to eat the rice teethers and puffs because he likes to hold it,, i just don’t know where to start with soft solid foods i have a few baby food books but im just…
I accidentally started weaning at 24 weeks (I thought this was 6 months) and obviously baby wasn’t completely ready but she would lick puree and was very good with the spoon. She then had a few days when she was actually 6 months where she ate a bowl of daal, beans on toast and minty peas. Unfortunately she had ...
Hi all. How much are your little ones eating. I have a very hungry 4 week old!
Hi everyone, My baby is 1 in 3 weeks and still doesn’t eat much food at all. We have tried everything and still only wants small amounts some days barely anything! No way we can drop formula at one. Anyone else experiencing the same ? X
anyone else’s 2 month old not eat nearly as much as google says to? Google says 24oz but mine will only eat maybe 15oz a day…