Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
What are you giving your little ones for breakfast? I want to start planning some meals but I’m looking for nice recipes.
My 5.5 has his 6 month checkup soon & I plan on starting solids. But he isn't sitting up independently yet. Did you wait until your baby could sit up properly before starting solids?
Need inspiration for BLW ideas. Trying to get my 8 month old off mashed/puree foods. She does well with a sandwich and toast etc but can't jist give her bread all the time.
Is anybody else little one very fussy with food? My little girl could almost spend days only breastfeeding and having a few oatcakes still at 13 months... ( luckily she does accept bits and bobs here and there but at nursery she refuses any milk or fluids and often most if tge food too rxcrot from breadsticks...…
Heya! What's the first food you introduced to your little ones? We're just waiting til we reach 6 months. I am excited but at the same time sobbing to the fact that our babies are growing real fast. Can't believe it's been half a year already since we brought them into this world!
Hello, How long do you keep melty carrot puffs once opened? I usually let my 7 month old have the whole pack. She doesn’t eat more than a few and the rest end up on the floor but I noticed the pack says it has five portions. If I put them in a baggy or Tupperware how long do you reckon they’ll store. Also any advi...
So was doing an emergency weekly shop didn't realise no snacks for the youngest 🤔. So get to the checkout and the lady at the till was so happy to see another mum bulk buy fruit shoots 😀 she said its the only thing her lad drinks. It's the smallest of things.
Have you taken baby to restaurants yet? We went out to eat in Nando’s and it was pretty loud and stimulating but he seemed okay. He didn’t act any differently than usual but obviously had more to look at . Just wondering if I’m doing too much too soon. He’s nearly 3 months .
I use honey as an ingredient in lots of bakes (in thing like oat bars and some cakes and cookies) instead of things like maple syrup. I also think honey tastes better. Would it be ok to continue using honey like this for my 9 month old? I know the recommendation is no honey before 1 year but wondering if its OK if c...
Baby has been on Hipp creamy porridge for about 5 months. I want her to eat normal porridge oats however she refuses to eat them completely. I’ve tried mixing some of the Hipp porridge with the oats so I can then try and wean her off the Hipp porridge using less each time and she still won’t eat them. Also blended t...
Oh help my son won't eat veg at all i eat salads abd love veg tbh i say look yummy he goes eww i say no yummy he refuses to eat veg again i give him veg he wont eat it even when i mix it with foods he picks them out or wont eat it at all what do i do ahh its as if he knows your tricking me theres veg in that 😭😅🫡 i…
Just out of curiosity how many meals are your bubbas on now? Little one is 7 months and having 2 meals a day. What time do you do dinners? Me and my husband eat at 7:30 atm so way too late for little one to eat but that’s the best time that suits us due to coming home from work 🤔 would love to know how other people…
Hi all, I am going to start weaning my baby this week and I'm so nervous. Any tips and suggestions? I am going to start with veg first then fruit. What's your idea on baby porridge or is it best to make it myself using oats blended up? Baby rice? I'm so overwhelmed with all the advice online. Thank you
How old was your toddler when you introduced grapes to them? And how?
My LB is nearly 3 and we struggle to get him to eat certain things! He loves spag bol, sausages, gammon- any meats really HOWEVER he will not eat any for potato’s, veg if I don’t hide it to within an inch of its life (sometimes he still finds it 🤦🏼♀️) he also will not eat anything like sausage/chicken…
I’m 19 and a mum to a 6 month old baby girl. She’s my pride and joy but she’s always been a hungry baby, she got switched to hungrier baby milk at 2 months as she was already on 7oz of regular formula. I’m curious what the difference between baby led weening and using pouches/baby food and how much food she should b...
Have any of you ladies started your baby with baby food at 3 months ?
Anyone got any good recipes using puff pastry for an 8 month old? Thank you
Are any of you starting purées or solids with their little one? And if so, what have you already started with?
Is anyone elses former foodie become really fussy and only eating at a push?