Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I'm desperate. I honestly don't know what to do or what I'm doing wrong. My 8 month old won't drink his milk and has no interest in solids and it has me so stressed. Is this normal?
It's so stressful. Anyone else? Also I have so much anxiety around choking. How do u overcome this?
My baby is 8 months old and will eat every single thing I feed her but she will not feed herself. She will feed herself wafers and melty puffs. I’ve tried cucumber, broccoli and banana as finger foods so far. She eats them if they’re mashed up but won’t feed herself them. What am I doing wrong? Does it take time or ...
Does anyone else’s toddler only like to eat running . Mine like to eat n the bath and while she’s on the run.
Hi mummies! So I have a 14 month old daughter and I never done BLW with her I just found it scary and she gags quite a bit and is prone to making herself sick if she doesn’t like texture. With that being said she eats jar baby foods, normally porridge for breakfast then a jar with a fruit pot or a dessert pot thin...
Can i give my 19 months old instant noodles? He seems to like it and would eat a lot when i eat it but i don’t know if it’s good for their age.
Really looking forward to introducing my little one to baby rice before we start our weening journey. She’s 17 weeks, when did you introduce some little spoonfuls of baby rice?😋🥣👶🏼
My 15 month old will only tolerate certain dairy, so my question is, how do I ensure they are having enough calcium?
Has anyone started introducing a knife? We got a set of fork and knife from IKEA and today I thought I’d give it to LO during lunch. I tried showing her what I was doing, cutting my meat. She just used it as a spoon 😂 Any ideas on how to help her use a knife apart from her copying me?
How much food are you supposed to try and give your baby at the beginning in a sitting? I have small pouches so all of it in one sitting if that's what she wants?
She is currently 10 months, and has always been on the 9th centile!
I keep seeing photos on here of 8/9 month olds with proper plates of food. My little girl is getting a bit better with solids but we don't usually get much into her. She has a very sensitive gag reflex which has put me off BLW massively but we do a mix of finger foods and puree... but sometimes when I see what other...
What are you toddlers sitting in/on at the table for meal times?
Hey all, my little girl has never been too too interested in food. She's only recently started to have more of savoury mash, and here and there a bit of toast, but nothing I'd consider a "full meal". Now I am finding myself in a vicious circle as I know that too much milk will fill her up too much for solids, but ev...
Hi all, My 11 month old has turned into a fussy eater and wants to be entertained whilst eating otherwise he won’t eat. A whole sing and a dance type of entertainment! I’m struggling for breakfast ideas. He doesn’t want crumpets, toast, porridge, even adult porridge that is tastier! What type of foods are you ...
I’ve been told to intoduce things like peanut butter before she turns one, how would I introduce this as I’m petrified 🤣she can eat anything do I just put it on her toast or just let her lick a little bit off the spoon Adding a picture so post dosnt get lost. Thanks in advance 🩷
When did you start giving your baby normal every day food with salt?
I am making our dinner for tonight and just realised I went into automatic and added salt in my spice mix (2tsp to 1kg of mince). Should I avoid feeding this to my 7 month old as it has added salt? Thanks!
Saw HV the other day and she said to start offering LO 3 meals a day (blw style). Had been doing the odd bit of puree previously. Possibly as ebf baby has struggled a bit with weight (dropped 2 centile curves at 2 months but has just about tracked since). He's alert/ happy not hungry etc. Anyway I've tried these 3 m...
My toddler is constantly hungry, begging for more after massive meals. Having screaming tantrums if we don't give in. What's everyone else doing? Do you have some healthy snacks that they can eat as much of as they like? Or are you just saying 'no', knowing they've had plenty?