Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Meals & snacks at nursery

What sort of foods are provided for your little one at nursery. Mainly lunch, dinner & snacks. Intrigued to know.


Am I over reacting

My bd gave our boy rusks and yoghurt for lunch when I’ve only been introducing him to vegetables as we’ve only just started weening 2 weeks ago?


Skipping/picking at meals?!

If your kid skips or barely eats a meal, are you guys offering them an alternative meal a little later, giving a snack between meals, or just making them wait til the next meal? Pediatrician office said to make them wait til the next meal but I swear my son seems low energy/grumpy when he doesn’t eat much so I know ...


What’s your babies favorite solid food?

Looking for new ideas to try


anyone else’s baby not interested in food at all?

tried weaning for just over a month now my boy is not interested in the slightest about food just spits it straight back out


Won’t eat meat

My little boy is generally a good eater but he just will not eat any form of meat iv tried disguising it and cutting up really small but he just spits it out everytime. He won’t even eat chicken nuggets! He’s nearly 2 so thought if I kept trying he might eventually change his mind but not working yet 😂😩


Toddler throwing their dinner

Anyone else’s 20 month old just throwing all their dinner? It doesn’t matter what I cook him, he just throws it all! I’ve tried all his faves and new things but it’s just been the same every night this past week! Hoping it’s just a phase!


Dinner ideas for fussy eaters

what dinners go down well for your fussy eaters? He used it eat most things i gave him but it just seems hes willing to eat less and less. He went on a no pasta run after his being a fave and I remembered reading here that someone gave their child plan pasta and now he consistently eats it. (no sauce but still bette...



I need some ideas for snacks! I wfh with my son, and lately I feel like I’ve been slacking on the snacks! He loves crackers and cheese, pb&j but I need some more ideas🥲


Decaf tea …. Not coffee!

Please don’t come at me with negative I’m just asking for advice, my son is 16 months old and will only drink formula milk, I’ve tried a few times with normal milk but he get so constipated he won’t drink anything and I’ve been giving him water but he’s not interested in it . But he always wants to drink my tea , I ...



My boy is 13 months old. Still breastfeeding and refusing solids. How can I get him to eat more without creating a negative reaction? Because at this point it feels forceful trying. My body is exhausted, I selfishly want it back and him to eat something else. Any mommas been through this?


Solids 8 months

How everyone, My baby just turned 8 months this and although I’ve been trying to remain consistent with giving her solids, she seems to eat very little and appears to be uninterested. Any advise or recommendations?


7 month food idea

Does anybody have good suggestions for 7 month olds food? My LG loves all food, pastries (she has stolen mine before), toast, broccoli, she's tried a bit of fish and many more things. But actual "meals" I'm unsure of what to give her 😅 Our food is not appropriate for her and making a separate versions of it, is…


Come On Now

What dad doesn't know what their child eats without the mom having to tell him? 🤔🙄


High chair tantrums

So my LB is not liking his high chair for meals, like 5 minutes and he is having tantrums omg! Is it okay to give him his lunch etc like in smaller "doses" because he doesn't want to sit and eat the entire meal, but he will finish the food, it's not that he's full, he's just impatient and throwing tantrum and it's ...


Baby still won’t feed herself at nearly 11 months.

Anyone else’s baby still won’t feed themself at nearly 11 months? As in won’t put ANY food in her mouth via her hands or spoon. Just cries at me if I even dare to place a spoon anywhere near her. I can’t just not feed her so I end up doing it but then she’s just getting what she wants. At breaking point with it! I d...


8 month old and fruit

How do you get your 8 month old to eat fruit my daughter will not touch it. We are teething really bad at the minute 2 top teeth and will only really eat yoghurt, cheese and crumpet. But I have tried with fruit for ages and she will not touch it 🙃


Not settling at nursery

So my little boy is on his 5th week at nursery and he still isn’t settling very well, he also won’t eat anything while he’s there he does 9-3. I’ve taken him some snacks in from home and he’s ate those but anything that the nursery offers him he won’t eat it. Is anyone else’s little one the same? How long did it ta...


Any advice on baby meals when abroad please!

Hello just looking for advice from anyone who’s been abroad with their baby yet. He’s 13 months and I plan to order meals that I can share with him eg pizza and a salad, pasta and a salad etc. Will the tomato, cucumber etc in a salad be ok for him to eat if it’s been washed with their tap water? I know we’re ok wit...


Baby eating habits

Does anyone else's baby do this? My daughter is nearly 11 months and she is a really good eater and she'll eat mostly anything that is put in front of her but I'm having a bit of problem because when it comes to fruit and veg, she will only eat it if its mixed into other food Like today she's had one of her normal ...


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