Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
Some days not wanting to eat. What do you do when your babies refuse to eat all day
My 10 month old has suddenly become a really fussy eater. He has always eaten well since we weaned him when he was 5.5 months. He has 3 meals a day and would eat basically anything we gave him, but in the last week he has just stopped eating anything unless it is fruit or snacks (veggie straws, melty puffs etc). He ...
5 days ago We traveled back home with my baby , she’s 10 months old She used to eat really good Now she doesn’t want to eat any food since we moved to the new home She drinks her milk, maybe a little bit more than normal The doctor doesn’t seem to be concerned But I’m so sad that she doesn’t eat anything ...
hi!! i have a 13month old. shes been heavy on solids since she sprouted her 2 bottom front teeth. my husband and i have come to the conclusion that she doesnt want to eat bc shes working on more teeth and its hurting her. (she now has her 4 front, and i notice shes teething more towards her molars now). the kicker i...
I want a snack that I can have when feeling a little peckish but don’t know what- nothing too big. If I have crisps do I need to pair with anything?
My son will be 17 weeks on Monday and has started to take an interest in what we are eating! He gets frustrated when we are eating and tries to reach out for my food if I’m holding him. We will be weaning from 6 months but wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this? Feel awful eating In front of him and he’s...
Is anyone else’s baby going through a phase of not eating well? My daughter has been refusing any more than 3 spoonfuls of breakfast every day for about 2-3 weeks, she’s barely touching her lunch. She’s usually good at dinner but lately, she seems to prefer snacky bits throughout the day and no “set” mealtimes. She’...
my LO just turned 6mo and pediatrician said it’s okay to start solids but i am scared and nervous lol. what are the best solids to start with??
Baby’s diet is just veg, meat, dairy & eggs for now. Any meal ideas ?!
Anyone else’s little one eat what feels like loads for breakfast? He eats a decent amount at dinner so it’s not that he’s starving but, he will eat a bowl of cereal, toast or pancakes, two pieces of fruit and then he will always want a snack too 😂 am I doing something wrong?!
Noodles with fresh tomatoes olives and cheese spread
Please give me inspiration for packed lunch ideas. My son is fed up of sandwiches so won’t touch them at childminders
We have recently started baby lead weaning. We have been doing purée for two months. I’m cutting things into finger size strips and he is putting really large bits in his mouth and it’s really freaking me out. For example, this morning I made him banana pancakes and rather than sucking or biting a little bit of the ...
What sort of snacks is everyone giving their little ones? And how many bottles does your 9 month old have?
What are you feeding your 3 meals a day babies? Cause I’m just stuck on ideas of what to make him anymore. Usually breakfast and lunch as dinner will be what we’re having. Also, baby is dairy free (for now) and doesn’t eat porridge (cause why would he have something easy ?😂😂 and doesn’t really eat scrambled eggs/…
He will just randomly start becoming upset, throw his head back and cry. This becomes worrying when he still has a piece of food in his mouth 😵💫😵💫 I don't know why he's doing it or how to stop it because I try just calm him down nicely and it does not work
Just started solids with my LO. We’re doing a mix of purées and finger foods. I know there’s not one way of introducing new foods but wanted to see what others are doing. Do you give LO the same food for a few days before trying a new one or do you do a new food a day? So I gave LO some avocado yesterday. Would you ...
hi What does your LO like for breakfast?? Thanks
Hpw many g oats do you give 6 m old for breakfast? I usually do 30g for purees
My 4.5mo loves sweet potato puree. He isn’t a fan of fruit purees. Wanting to now expand and try other foods. Suggestions?