Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I know the title sounds weird but it’s true 😂 I’m from Ireland and potatoes are a staple to our meals every night. He won’t eat potatoes mashed, he won’t eat sweet potato, I even tried potato waffle and he just spat it out. It means I have to basically make him something separate each night! Anyone else experienced…
Ingredients: 🥣 400g organic chickpeas 🥣 Heaped tablespoon of dairy free yogurt of choice ( we used coconut) 🥣 2 tablespoons of organic extra virgin olive oil 🥣 Sprinkle of ground cumin (to taste) 🥣 A dash of organic oat milk or any dairy free milk of choice. Method: 💫 Drain & wash the chickpeas if using…
When did you start to feed your baby infant foods or solids. My LO will be 4 months this month
Since baby turned a year she is all of a sudden really fussy and not eating properly. She used to eat anything and now she’s just tossing it all around! I tried her on a chocolate biscuit and she ate that; so I deffo think it’s more her being selective. Anyone else having the same? Do I just wait for this stage to p...
Homemade raspberry chia seed jam sandwich, sweetcorn puffs and cherries and raspberries.
Im really struggle mentally with my LO weight at the minute, it’s literally on my mind 24/7, he’s allergic to wheat milk and egg along with other foods and cant get him to eat anything at the minute. Hes 15 months old weighing 8.6kg still in size 3 nappies. I have cried so many times over it and seeing babies his ag...
Hey everyone! My little boy is starting nursery full time in a couple of weeks as I’ve been offered a FT job (yay!!). The nursery provide breakfast and all snacks, and I’ve put him down for a ‘school dinner’ 2 days a week as well, but I’ll need to provide lunch 3 days a week and dinner every day as well. I’m just...
What snack do you give to your child between meals please? We have rice cakes, veggie straws.. but not sure if they’re substantial enough and would like some variety! Thanks
My son is nearly 9 months and currently having breakfast and dinner which he is demolishing so think he’s ready for lunch now too but everywhere I look it says to start 3 meals at day at around 10 months
Hello. I’m a FTM. I’ve given baby rice with breastmilk to my little one yesterday and loved it. I’ve given him broccoli today and he did not like it. Am I meant to give him baby rice since he likes that better? I will definitely try broccoli again tomorrow. Just dont want to lose his appetite. Any advice are al...
What he actually eats from his plate is a joke and isn’t enough to be classed as dinner, like last night I made sausage risotto which he’d normally demolish but he sat there picking out 6 or 7 pieces of sausage then said he was done. I will let him have yoghurt or cereal before bed when he hasn’t eaten because I do...
We can not get our headstrong 3yo to eat ANY vegetables (and limited fruit) and I’m panicking. I hate the concept of hiding them and for the longest time I’ve just offered alongside ‘safe foods’ but she’s not budging and her diet is increasingly beige. Does anyone have any tips to get a better varied diet into their...
Anyone’s else’s 12.5mth old refusing any food that’s put to them no matter texture? We do BLW usually. For reference he’s only drinking 5-10oz milk a day so clearly not filling up on milk.
My baby is about to turn 1 and he still barely eats anything. I offer three meals a day and snacks, but they are all still ending up on the floor and he barely eats any of it. He still has the tongue thrust reflex and most of what he does put in his mouth falls back out. Nursery say he doesn’t eat much there either....
I know it’s normal and to be expected but it gets really annoying making beautiful healthy, carefully thought out meals just to watch them either go on the floor, untouched or mashed into some unrecognizable inedible mess and still, not consumed. Son’s over here living on milk, fruit, water and love 🍼🍓💧💗 😅🤣😭
Where and which brand/type of shrimp do you buy for your babies? It is the only allergen pending for us to give him however I checked multiple stores and they all have added salt 🤔
I feel like I have no clue what to do for snacks. Besides like fruit or like a pouch. What is everyone doing?
My 15 month old has always been a pretty good eater, he never really gave me problems and hasn't been picky, but lately he's been chewing his food then spitting it right out before he swallows it ??? I'm so confused, could this be from teething?? Or him just being picky ? Because he will eat his strawberries comple...
Honestly I’m a new mom my baby is 6 months almost 7 months and all we give here is purées and her and there we will give here frozen fruit in a fruit thing to where if there teething they can chew on something to help there gums when am I supposed to introduce real food like food we eat she doesn’t really even seem ...
Any advice please!!!!! I dread the feeding So much now because I feel like I have to keep offering things til I figure out what he wants to eat and dinner it ends up coming down he wants a banana a piece of bread some fruit or a yogurt pouch he ate so well when he started solids now I can barley get him to try anyth...