Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

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can everyone drop their homemade cereal recipe for baby🙏🏼🙏🏼

since our little ones are getting ready for their solids and cereal lets exchange some healthy recipes. ☺️☺️ all recipes welcomed, formula mix, bf mix, whatever works for you ! or whatever you plan on doing. 🤗🤗🤗


are you introducing solids or waiting for the 6 mo mark?

ive been doing tasting with my baby. looking into purees i can make at home.


Nursery junk food

My nursery insisted they were healthy eating only when I joined and tried to explain that nutrition is very important to us. How common is it for nursery to rarely serve vegetables and give highly processed food several times a day? We’re sending them an email about it. I am worried they will think we are retalia...


Solid introduction

Hi ladies, Could you guide me on where to start when introducing solids to my 5.5-month-old? What foods should I prepare or buy to ensure a smooth transition for my little one?


Food recommendations for 9mo?

This is a weird one, at least for me. My second born has been given the ok by the doctors for weaning to solid foods about 2-3 months ago. He has absolutely no interest in the purées/baby food. He makes gross faces, and just spits it out after gagging. BUT He will get ahold of his older (almost 3yo) brother’s food a...


Is anyone giving purées yet?

Baby girl is 5 months, tried her with an Ella’s kitchen 4+ month puree yesterday and today and she’s certainly interested. Just wondering if anyone else is doing this too? Conflicted between whether I actually take weaning seriously or just wait till she’s 6 months to properly give it a go 🧐


Portion Sizes

Hey would be super helpful if anyone could help me with how much they serve (mine is 13 months) and how much they realistically eat! Keep seeing things on social media and its making me think that my child is hardly eating half of what all of these babies seem to be eating 😂😂 he is on the 65th percentile so not…


Skinny baby

My baby is 15 months old and he is not at a great percentile of weight. He is lean.But is right on with all his milestones and is a very sociable guy. He has not had formula since birth and still breastfeeds along with solids. I know every baby is different but now I feel I should have tried harder to formula/combi...


Toddler struggles with food

Ever since I started weaning, my daughter has never been interested in food. Every meal time is a mission to get her to eat. And on some occasions (most) it’s like a washing machine in her mouth, the food just goes round and round for like 10 minutes before I have to ask her to just spit it out. Which avenue do I go...


11mo not interested in solids

My 11mo is still not interested in solids. She will only eat fruit if anything. I’ve night weaned and only doing a couple feeds during the day that are not close to meal time so it’s not that she’s not hungry. Is this happening to anyone else? I’m getting so frustrated with this not eating and worried she’s not ge...


Meal ideas

Hey Can anyone give any ideas for 9 month old dinner ideas 😭 I feel like I’m giving the same meals all the time and little boy is now more keen on finger foods and feeding himself. TIA


Blueberry milk

I blended and strained blueberries with his breast milk this morning. Baby boy drank all 5 oz! 🫐


Snack for nursery

Little boy is starting nursery next week and they’ve advised that we need to send a healthy lunch and snacks. My little boy is fussy what he eats and snacks on. Any suggestions for healthy snacks. At the moment he will have fruit, raisins, hula hoops (not allowed them for nursery) , cheese strings. Is there anything...


anyone’s baby lost their chunk when they started solids?

my baby started solids about a month ago and just doesn’t seem to be as chunky, even tho he’s measuring fine, i think he looks thinner. anyone else have this problem?


Food for travel

I will be travelling at the end of February with my 1 year old on a 6 hour flight so he will need lunch and dinner on the plane. What kind of food shall I take?! He has a milk allergy



I was sure I would do BLW as in big chunks of food, but we started solids at 4.5 months so we gave purees. At 6.5 months we started some BLW and some purées but dad and I are soooo anxious. She never choked, only gagged, we both took a baby first aid course so we know how to react in theory but we are so scared. T...


Hating nursery food

LB just started nursery and doesn’t like the food served at nursery (probably just not used to the flavours). Also he refuses to drink milk during the day - so no food and no milk 😒 anybody else experience this with their LO?


Starting solids

Hey Moms! I have a 4 month old, turning 5 next week. I’ve tried starting solids for him aka Oatmeal, however, when placed in a chair, his whole body leans forward. Does anyone else experience this issue?


Plane food ideas

We’re flying with our 17 month old this weekend and I’m not sure what food would be best to pack for him. Even thought it’s just a 2 hour flight, between airport transfers and having to get to the airport early we’ll be travelling right during dinner time and by the time we land and get to our accommodation it’ll ...


8 month old routine

What is everyone routine for their 8 month old? Eg wake up, food, naps, bottles? Also I feel like I keep seeing 8 month old nearly always finishing their solids but most the time my little girl hardly eats anything, anyone else the same?


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