Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
My baby has always been on the lower percentile (3%). I was told once she starts solids she’ll be better. But I give her 3 meals, 5 3 oz bottles a day (combination feed) and 1-2 snacks. What can i do better? (She is a very active baby). I feel terrible and like a failure.
would love some ideas on finger foods. my baby isn't interested in foods unless he self feeds. thanks mummas!
I’m planning to introduce solids around 6 mo (when did you introduce?) before I go back to work. I’m wondering how much less milk baby drinks once solids are in the picture. My stash isn’t great and I’m feeling nervous about leaving baby with limited milk to drink, and burning through it quickly. Would love to know ...
Is anyone’s else’s baby still on just purées and not real chewy food I guess is the way to put it?😂😅 we are on purées here and I feel so guilty when I see other babies eating waffles and stuff like that, I’ve tried textures and everytime my baby just vomits. I know I need to get over a choking fear but I’m also…
So my nearly 5 months baby tried the aptamil creamy porridge he didn’t like it ive tried it for like 3 o 4 days but he keep spitting or choking? What are you all giving in breakfast to your baby’s?
What times do your babies have bottles and solids? I’m struggling to fit it all in the day!
At a playgroup with my daughter (20m). She’s got a whole apple that she’s eating. A mum I’ve seen/spoken to briefly a few times see her with the apple and comes up to me saying ‘wow I’d never give my kids an apple like that, that’s how I nearly died as child’. Is she :
😔😔😔 Every breakfast time it's the same thing. Everything just everywhere, nothing eaten. The fruit and healthy food I buy for baby is getting so expensive (and she "eats" better than the rest of us currently!) for it all to be thrown on the ground. I'm really struggling with not seeing £ notes on the floor…
My girl still doesn’t eat eggs. Scrambled, fried or omelette. Anyone have any other versions of eggs that’s she might like
What sort of solid food did you introduce your 6month old baby to ?
How can you tell the difference between if your little one is actually hungry or whether they just want the dummy for comfort?
My boy only uses hands to eat, my fault I wasn’t very consistent on giving spoon.. as we always served finger food which could just be picked up with fingers. Now is not interested in using spoon / fork. Any tips pleaseee , and also what to expect
Hi We’ve done Readybrek 👍🏾 Wheetabix👎🏿 Fruit and natural yog👍🏾 Banana muffins 👎🏿 What do you give? Want to avoid toast really as we have bread at lunch. Thanks
9month old is poorly is was an amazing eater prior to coming down with the flu. She won’t eat nothing not even a youghurt I’m worried that this is going to completely ruin how amazing she was with food and she won’t be that good eater again? Is this the case ?
Hi I’m a vegetarian and my child is currently also. I make separate meals to what I have - but do any of you have any go to veggie meals for you and baby? Thank you
Hi all I’m veggie so baby is too currently. I tend to make her seperate meals to myself but does anyone have any veggie meal ideas (lunch and dinner) for baby please? Thank you
I want to make overnight oats for my 13 month old. Any good recipes for fussy eaters? Also which oats do I buy for this age i.e not too chewy?
Hey mommas what are we all feeding our 8 month old babies for breakiee lunch and dinner X x need some ideas preferably halal foods 🥰
By the way he been eating solids since he was 4 months
What are some healthy snacks that you make/buy for baby that are more nutritious than puffs?