Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Using a plate

Has most people given their LO a plate and it’s not been chucked on the floor. I still have to put all food on the high chair tray or feed her myself, otherwise the plate and everything on it is on the floor in seconds - she’s 14months on 24th.


Blw / Purée’s

Hi - my boy is nearly 11m (couple weeks time) and is still on the 6m pouches, is there any ways i can try to get to him to eat more cooked meals, lumpy textured etc … He makes him physically sick if there is any lumps in his meals, i’ve tried finger foods but nothing seems to be working


How much is your 10 month old eating

My daughter is a very picky eater and has food allergies to top it off. How much does your baby eat in a typical day? (Solids)


If your child is having a coughing fit and threw up the little food that they managed to eat, do you try and feed them again before they sleep or you do you send them to bed hungry?

She’s been poorly and hungry for a week now and what I mean by that is, very very minimal food. Hardly anything at all. She seems to have lost her appetite completely and is coughing a lot at night. I’ve made so many soups she straight up rejected so we offered her safe foods today, we managed to get her to eat half...


Food ideas

My son needs to gain weight, his dr recommended a high calorie diet for a bit, what are some good snacks your 1 year old likes? Also, any advice for dinners? That’s the hardest meal for us and we’re really struggling to get him to eat enough dinner!


Teaching toddler to bite food

Any tips for teaching a 17 month old how to bite and rip food with front teeth. He chews his food well but doesn't get how to bite a piece of the food off. Having to cut food into pieces at the moment. Thank you.


How to get LO to eat!

Hi Mommas - looking for ANY tricks or tips to get my LO to eat. I have tried everything! We do a variety of foods - I try to offer a mix of foods throughout the day - and then in her high chair or on the go... nothing works. She used to be a great eater! But its been a month and she just tosses it. I figured she wil...



Does anyone’s toddler have the appetite of a teenager?? My 3 year old is constantly wanting to eat throughout the day and she can eat an adult plate.


Starting solids

My LO is 8 months and has refused both formula(anything in a bottle) and solid foods. Does anyone have tips on how to get her to start eating purées or even formula?


1yr old

How many times do you feed your 1yr old food or give milk



Little ones lunches and dinner the last couple of days (7 nearly 8 months) had a lot of bean and cheese 😂 A mixture of fresh and frozen meals 🩵



Started weaning my son who turns 6 months in 10 days. He looked like he was keen always smacking his lips and swallowing as he would watch us eat, great head control. I mashed up avocado one day banana a different day and today avocado and banana. His facial expression is like he is disgusted and he spits it back o...


When to introduce solids?

When did you introduce solids to your baby? Also was your baby sitting on their own? Our doctor said to wait until our son is able to sit on his own. He will be 5 months in a few days and he has been showing interest in food like crazy. He is able to hold his head up but doesn’t sit on his own yet. Should I wait or...



MIL keeps making remarks about my toddler’s eating and several were accusatory of starvation. This is something she has done since he was born. I have finally gotten to the point where I am sickened by her. We were in my car. My OH was driving, my In-Laws were in the back with my toddler. He likes to chew on one...


Weaning worries

I am week 3 into weaning my little one, i originally started out combi weaning (a puree with a bit of the food) and he wasnt interested at all in the actual bit of food (ae tried brocolli, carrot and banana) but liked the puree. We stuck to puree weaning for the last 2 weeks and he just sometimes doesnt seem bothere...


Bottles and food

Does this sound good at the moment? LO is having 4 bottles and 3 lots of food she's 8m 7am bottle 5oz 9am 2 different types of food yoget and a snack 11am bottle 6oz 12.30pm food 3 different types of food, her main meal protein, veg, and berries or fruite 2.30pm bottle 3/4oz (snack bottle) 5pm food 3 types of food ...


🩷 BLW 🩷

First post because we've only just got into properly doing BLW 😅 Our 7 month old loved her tea tonight! We did cinnamon carrot fries - sweet potato, brocoli + cheese fritters - carrot fritters. She also had half a pouch of baby food (we tend to make sure she has some as well as pieces of food) 🩷🥦🥕



How much is your monthly grocery bill for a family of 3 with 1 toddler?


Weaning issues

My son will not entertain anything that isn’t a yoghurt like texture, I’ve tried everything I can think of to introduce more lumpy foods and he isn’t having it! Has anyone got any tips for this


Sitting advice for 2 year old- breakfast, lunch, dinner

Hi guys ❤️ I wanted to ask for advice as a FTM. My daughter is a little over 2 years old now but refuses her high chair now. We are trying to let her just sit on the table with us but she cannot stop getting up. I always try to tell her to sit back down but she just doesn’t listen. Is there something I am doing wr...


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