Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Self feeding

Iā€™ve tried to do BLW since starting weaning at 6 months but my baby is just not interested in self feeding. He will accept finger foods or preloaded spoons when offered but doesnā€™t pick up anything on his tray/ plate. He does get curious when I place things in front of him, digging his little fingers, mushing aroun...


My baby hates food

My 8 month old boy still hasnā€™t taken to food. All I see online is how peoples babies are having 2-3 meals a day, all whilst mine isnā€™t even eating 1. I have tried EVERYTHING to get him to try the food but he has no interest. Please can someone advise me on what to do?


Toddler snacking

Is anyone else's toddler constantly after a snack? She has fruit after her dinner then a yoghurt after tea and used to have some crisp but now she wants more and is always stood at the cupboard pointing at it



Does anyone elseā€™s baby hold solid foods in their mouth? Iā€™m trying to move my baby away from purĆ©es and have always offered puree and finger food, but every single time he has a finger food that doesnā€™t dissolve in his mouth he just stores it in his cheeks like a chipmunk. It was cute at first but he refuses to che...


Starting Solids app

Hey guys what app are you using for solids? My boys finally ready yay !


Fruit and veg

My baby wonā€™t eat fruit and veg! Half of it she wonā€™t even put in her mouth. Sheā€™ll have it mixed or cooked into things but in its natural form she wonā€™t touch it. I made butternut squash sauce last night for pasta and she was happily eating it but noticed a chunk of squash and chucked that on the floor, Iā€™ve tri...


Feeding help!!

My son turned 15 months today. He Is EBF along with solids 3 times a day. He feed about 3-4 times in the day before and after naps. He usually nurses to sleep. For past few days he has been biting me a lot and cries and screams. Is it because he doesnā€™t get enough from me now and is still hungry.? I have been failin...



Hey guys is anyone else having food issues? My daughter is having days where she just doesnā€™t want any food, will happily take snacks but no meals, she just wants milk, other days sheā€™s really good and will eat everything I put in front of her. Iā€™ve tried her with food before she has her bottles so sheā€™s hungry but...


Are baby food maker worth it?

My son is about to start solid soon, and Iā€™m not sure if I should get a baby food maker or just use a regular blender? If you use a baby food maker, which brand do you use? Also how long have you been using it?


Organic fruits and vegetables vs regular

So I used to not eat like any fruits or vegetables but after I had to do a TED diet while nursing my son I started liking them more. Iā€™m curious for people who eat fruits and veggies all the time do you feel organic is necessary especially during pregnancy? I have tried to research stuff and I know about the dirty d...


Meal time!

What foods/snacks are you LO currently loving? Looking for some new ideas!


Starting food

My baby is 5 months 1 week. His next appointment is march 3d and he is 6 months 2/12. I was thinking to wait for any solids until dr says but he will be almost 7 mos by then?? Whatcha think. Heā€™s 90+ percentile in everything, rolling, holds head well, no interest in food and Iā€™m not rushing for currently.


Picky one year old won't eat

My son seems to only like bread and crackers!! He has stopped eating healthy meals I make for him. Won't even try them. What do I do about this? Do I give in and give him what he wants so he at least eats something ? Or stand firm so he understands he won't get a substitute unless he at least tries it ? He doesn't t...


Do you prefer to be

Big spoon or little spoon?



Does your little one have chocolate?


struggling to wean

My baby boy is almost 13 months and still relies heavily on his formula. He barely eats any food and itā€™s impossible to get him to eat more than a few mouthfuls as he only wants his milk really. Does anyone else have this issue where there baby is so reliant on formula still and refuses to eat actual food most the t...


Whatā€™s on the menu?

What kind of meals and snacks are you all having? Iā€™m SO hungry every few hours which isnā€™t normal for me, didnā€™t experience this with my son either. The only problem is, I donā€™t know what to eat.


Toddler vitamins - how many do you give?

A random question - I have these vitamin gummies I give my 3 year old. I only give her 1 a day - even though it says you can give 1/2 per day. Would you give 2 a day? I just worry with her being so small that giving 2 is for older children. But with all these winter bugs going around Iā€™m wondering do I give 2 to h...


Weaning help!

My little girl doesnā€™t really eat much yet, sheā€™ll be 8 months in a few weeks and will hardly let me near her with a spoon. I did try some baby led weaning but not had much success either. She really enjoys melty sticks and puffs and will eat straight from the pouch which Iā€™ve done a few times but donā€™t want this t...


How to stop my dog from stealing food from my babies hands

My dog(lab) has always been food motivated. Always begging and drooling while we eat anything. But with my daughter he will steal the food from her hand. She usually throw the food to him, if she doesn't, he will snatch it form her hands and eat it. The other day she started crying. I don't know how to stop this be...


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