Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.


I'm considering giving my little boy (4 months) a bottle of formula every now and then until I can save up enough breastmilk to give him bottles. Is this a good or bad idea? And if it is ok - what brand should I use? I'm so worried about giving him anything besides breastmilk so I'm still really going back and forth...


Formula Mums - Help!

My little girl is only 5 days old and I'm using Kendamil Original for her milk, I did the same with my first daughter too. I just have a feeling this doesn't agree with her in terms of giving her a tummy ache and now thinking about it, I have the same thoughts about it not agreeing with my first too, it would expla...



We’re starting the switch from formula to Whole Milk. What did y’all do?


6 week old - Formula / feeding discussion

OK so my baby is 6 weeks. Started with mostly breast / small formula supplement (yellow enfamil) after 2weeks we switch to enfamil gentle lease , we’ve been using is ever since. I still breast feed but now only exclusively at night and a few times during the day (1-2). She currently takes 3-4oz of formula.Lately I’v...


Bottles day/night

Pls comment how many and if overnight!


Formula intake

How many oz is everyone’s babies taking in 24 hours? My little boy is just shy of 12 weeks, and he’s been having 34-37 ounces per 24 hours, he’s not being sick or unsettled at all but worried I’m over feeding him?


Milk at bedtime

If your child has milk before bed, do they have it in a bottle or a cup? Please comment how much they have (quantity).


Formula fed babies

Does anyone’s 8 week old only drink 3-5 oz every 4 hours the reason why I say 3 because that’s sometimes all she will drink and sometimes she will finish the bottle? Just seeing if this is normal?


Preparing toddler for new baby

Hi all, for those of you having another baby, how are you preparing your toddler for a new baby? Any recommendations for toys, books etc. mine will be 2.5 years when the new baby arrives. What can I do between 2 and 2.5 years to prepare my toddler for a new baby?


Nuby hot shot - why?

When using the Nuby rapid cool, is there a reason for doing the hot shot method and not just using the boiled water straight from the Nuby to the amount you need? Not planning on adding formula direct to the Nuby itself and will be scooping powder directly into the sterilised feeding bottles, then adding the right...


What bottle teet size?

We are on 0 and baby is 4w bottles are taking a while and wondering if we should be on 1



How much milk are your babies having per day? My baby was having around 21oz but now he is only having 16-17oz


Bottles to beakers?

Anyone else currently struggling to get their little one to change bottles he is currently using the Tommie tippee grippy bottle, but will not put the ones to wean them to beakers In his mouth he knows it’s a different shape and even the ones that have a bottle type top he still won’t touch it as it’s different he w...


Confused with formula

My baby is 8 months old. Breast fed about 5 feeds a day (not including over night) feeds and on 3 meals a day. I’m currently living abroad and have a massive milk supply stashed in freezer but when we move back home in February I won’t have any freezer milk. I am going to a wedding and away for the weekend when I ...


1 year old

What’s the advice with formula when your baby turns 1? My baby has solids but I wouldn’t say he has enough to go onto cows milk as he still has been having 4 bottles of around 6-8 ounces of formula a day.


How much are you feeding your babies please!

Baby is on 4oz already at 2 weeks old. My health visitor advised to put her bottle up to 4oz but she is still draining the bottle every 3 hours. How much are all you mamas who are formula feeding feeding your babies giving them at 2 weeks please!xx


Going abroad with a baby

Hey, so my boyfriend and i take our wee girl to Torremolinos in May and by then she will be about 6 months old. Has anyone got tips for taking a wee one away that age? My wee girl is also formula fed and we use MAM bottles for her. How has everyone went about making bottles up when abroad? We have a rapid cool & f...


MAM bottles

What size teat is everyone using? My girl is on size 1 on a MAM bottle but seems to be getting tired after 3oz, would it be worth sizing up? It’s been nearly 7 years since I’ve done this so I feel like a FTM again! Any advice would be appreciated 😊


7/8 month old amount of milk...

Hi mamas, im EBF at the moment and would like to pump for a bottle once a day. How much do you guys think my 7 month old going to 8 months should have in 1 bottle? Is there a rule based on their weight or should I just go with trial and error and see how much she wants?


Weaning baby off formula/bottles

Hello, my baby is now one and I am weaning him off formula/bottles. He drinks cow’s milk from his sippy cup in the daytime but at night refuses this and won’t sleep unless I give him formula in a bottle. Any tips please?


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