Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Weaning baby off formula/bottles

Hello, my baby is now one and I am weaning him off formula/bottles. He drinks cow’s milk from his sippy cup in the daytime but at night refuses this and won’t sleep unless I give him formula in a bottle. Any tips please?


When to increase formula?

My boy is now exclusively formula fed and will be 6 weeks on Monday. He is still feeding around 8 times a day (sometimes more) how much formula should he be having per feed as the guidance on the box is for 5 feeds a day? It’s catch 22 really as I was hoping increasing his feed size might make him go longer betwee...



My 18 month old still takes a bottle with his milk. I’ve tried sippy cups, straw cups and open cups but he only likes to drink milk out of a bottle. He only drinks milk and water but he is completely okay with drinking water out of any cup. How can I get him off the bottle?



Plastic bottles and containers leach microscopic particles of plastic into our water and food 😫😩….even though the plastic says BPA free it’s still harmful…try to find the most affordable solution for your water, a home filter system, spring water directly from the source, or spring water in glass bottles…try to…


What is the best milk to give to my 1year old i want to start him on normal milk in the new year

Need help if anyone can suggest some so I can try it on him thanks 😊



Hello 👋🏻 I have successfully weaned off the boob and on to formula. My baby will be 1 year jan 6th so she will only be formula fed for a couple weeks then we are switching to cow milk. I’ve been giving her a 6 oz in the morning 6 oz before a nap and 6 oz at bedtime. Am I giving her enough formula through out the…



Is anybody both breast and bottle feeding? Are you still moving up a teat size? My baby is breast and bottle fed so I’ve been advised to keep him on slowest teat. He’s now falling asleep and taking ages to finish feeds so I feel he needs moving up a size but I’m concerned it will cause issues with the breast feedin...


Teat size

When did you move up from size 0 to size 1 and how did you know they needed to move up? I use mam bottles / teats if that makes a difference? X



Hello, potentiality a stupid question but a ftm about to start weaning 😅😂 … are you guys sterilising weaning equipment? Bowls, spoons etc


RapidCool bottles

Is anyone using the rapid cool? Are they worth it? Any issues with them?


Formula fed babes

How much are your babies drinking in a 24 hour period? Are you following the guide or something else? If baby wakes for a night feed do you give another whole full feed?



Im planning to breastfeed exclusively… as in I will not use formula unless there is absolutely no way to feed my child otherwise. I have harvested over 20ml of colostrum most days so I have a big supply of that, so do I need to bother to buy formula for my hospital bag? Or will my colostrum be enough if anything bad...



At which times do I give antibiotics to my toddler if I have to give then 4 times a DAY (there is no need to wake a child for antibiotics). He wakes up at 9am. Could I give it every 4 hours? On the back it says give every 6 hours but when I do that I only end up giving it 3 times a day.



I’m just wondering what’s the best steriliser to use with mam bottles, I was going to get the TT uv light steriliser but heard it discolors the bottles?


3 7oz bottles of cows milk

Anyone else’s 13 month old still on this much milk


If bottle feeding how many bottles do you have in rotation?

Right now I have 5 dr brown bottles but I’m thinking maybe I should buy more… or am I being lazy ? What is your washing bottles routine?


How many ounces per day?

How many ounces (on average) per day is baby drinking? I’m currently at around 30oz. But I think we’re entering a new cluster feeding stage soon. He’s acting hungrier lately and just turned 8 weeks. Also I combo feed. About 8 of the 10 feedings i do a day is breastmilk. But sometimes I can’t keep up with his demand...


Sterilising bottles

When is everyone going to stop sterilising baby's bottles?



Hey guys my little one is about to turn 1 but adjusted he would only be 10.5 months. I’ve been formula feeding and not sure when to switch to milk. Should I wait til his adjusted age is 1 or when he turns 1. He’s doing really well and his growth is on the lower side of term babies. So he’s definitely caught up.


holding a bottle

I feel abit embarrassed, my child is 1 years old but doesn't hold his bottle. he does sometimes show interest however I'm wondering is there useful advice or mum hacks on how I can encourage him. he will drink water from sippy cup and tum tum cup by himself.


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