Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Sterilising bottles

When is everyone going to stop sterilising baby's bottles?



Hey guys my little one is about to turn 1 but adjusted he would only be 10.5 months. I’ve been formula feeding and not sure when to switch to milk. Should I wait til his adjusted age is 1 or when he turns 1. He’s doing really well and his growth is on the lower side of term babies. So he’s definitely caught up.


holding a bottle

I feel abit embarrassed, my child is 1 years old but doesn't hold his bottle. he does sometimes show interest however I'm wondering is there useful advice or mum hacks on how I can encourage him. he will drink water from sippy cup and tum tum cup by himself.


Perfect Prep

Hi all, I have recently gotten the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep machine but have realised that when trying to make 4oz(120mls) that the bottle seems to make closer to 5 oz. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks x


Formula recommendations

My heads scrambled😭 so I plan on combination feeding (all bottle fed so will be pumping) but I’m trying to look into what formula is best/ most recommended, but there’s so many and I don’t really know what to look for! Please if anyone can help and tell me what they used!❤️


Cows milk

How is everyone introducing cows milk to a year old? How many Oz can they have a day?



What formula does everyone find best? My boy is 11 days old and has just switched to formula, he struggles with wind a bit. X


Whole milk intake for 1year old

Hi mamas! My little boy just turned one and we recently made the switch from formula to whole milk. I’m a bit unsure about how much milk he should be having daily now. I’ve heard different things and would love to hear what’s worked for your little ones! Thanks in advance!



My LG is 8 months old and is still having 3oz-5oz every 2.5/3 hours. She is also having 3 meals a day. I have tried upping her bottles but she never takes more than 5oz. I’m just wondering if this is normal or if there’s anything I can do to change this?


Bottle recommendations

My boy is taking in a lot of air with the MAM Anti-colic bottles which is causing a lot of discomfort even after winding. We have tried different flow teats and that didn’t make any difference! Anyone have any ideas on what we can do? We have tried infacol and colief and they helped him bring some of it up, but I...



I think my 9 day old is suffering with colic, he gets quite upset in the evening and we do struggle getting wind up. I’ve started using colief drops so hoping these start to help and used Infacol but hasn’t made a huge difference. Currently using cow and gate and Tommee tippee bottles, is there any bottles/formula t...


Cows milk

We have been reducing the formula to 4oz formula and 4oz cows milk but slowly reducing to just cows milk. How is everyone warming up the cows milk?


Formular fed babies

For those who bottle feed and use the kettle, how do you prepare your bottles? Can you prepare more than one and store in the fridge for 24 hours? Then do you reheat by standing the bottle in a jub of spiking water? Please can you advise me the steps that you take to prepare your bottles thank you


Nuby prep and hot shot method

Hi, I have been looking at how to make formula using the Nuby prep machine but when I look at videos of people doing this, they are using the hot shot method. What is the reason for doing the hot shot method? They don't mention this when reading the instructions for using the Nuby. Can I just use hot water? Many tha...


Purees VS BLW VS Both/other

Hello new to group. I have a four month old baby girl who isn not quite ready for introduction to our foods yet, but I’m curious has to what exactly is BLW. With my older kids who are now 7 & 14 I did purees for a few months then soft solids and so forth. I made my own purees and all too. Apologies but BLW is a new ...


Lazy baby lol

My son is 10 months now and refuses to hold his bottle I know he knows how to , but he just won’t do it almost as if he just being lazy lol any tips ?


Supplementing with formula

I am struggling to keep up with my baby's appetite and thinking to supplement with formula ... I tried by heart and Bobbie and she refused both. Then I focused on boosting my supply but I think I'll need to supplement. Any suggestions on how to help baby take some formula?


Combi feeding?

Is anyone else here combi feeding a 4m or similar age? Cannot really find any helpful information or advice on it anywhere.


Resolved our bottle refusal

In case it helps anyone else… our, mainly breastfed, boy suddenly refused bottles at around 12 weeks (now 15). Partly our fault as we weren’t giving him them often enough, nor did I realise that at around 2 months their reflex changes from sucking to chewing. We tried him on his mam ones that he used to take no pro...


Baby age

How does everyone work out babies age?


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