Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
I’ma FTM. My baby is 2 weeks old tomorrow and I pump. He drinks 2 ozs every 3 hrs sometimes every 2 an a half if hes really hungry. How much does ur baby eat and how old are they?? I’m trying to make sure he’s eating enough. His Dr told me hes only suppose to be eatin 1 oz to 1 1/2 oz if hes greedy lol. And i believ...
How many ounces of milk do your babies have before bed?
My son has been using these water bottles. He gets on absolutely great with them he got used to the straw straight away. I’ve started to notice they are going mouldy through the tube. We hand wash them (don’t have a dishwasher) well with soap and sponge and rinse them of soap then leave them on the rack to dry but I...
My LO drinks so much, to milk to water. He had about 4 bottles of 250ml in space of 2 hours. One bottle of milk and 3 of water. Is this normal, he drinks so much in the day also
When did everyone size up? My babies 6 weeks old currently on size 1. When do they need sizing up! She drinks her milk but often the teat collapses 🤔 Any ideas Thank you 🤩
My baby is 4 months today and he weighs 13 1/2 pounds. Doctor is concerned he’s not gaining enough weight but didn’t suggest supplementing with formula. Should I think about formula? I know she didn’t say anything and I’m sure he’ll be fine but I guess I’m just nervous to give up EBF since I couldn’t with my first.
How are we cleaning bottles in a hotel room please? I've thought about taking a washing up bowl liquid and a bottle brush with us on holiday, how else would you do it?
When do I sterilise bottles for hospital?
Can anyone run me through roughly how to make a bottle of formula for a newborn? I’ll be using cow and gate. I’ve got a nuby, obviously a kettle and I might buy a prep machine. But how do you make a bottle without the prep machine?
Has anyone else got mam bottles and the Milton cold water steriliser? I know you can sterilise them in the microwave but I’ve got the steriliser just incase, as this is what the hospitals use so I’d rather do it that way. Is anyone else doing the same with the mam bottles
My little one has 4-5 5oz bottles of formula (he has CMPA so it's a prescription formula). I really want to reduce these down, but I don't know how! He's a terrible eater and often only has a couple of bites of food each day - we offer food first, eat with him etc. Any tips welcome!!
Our little girl is like clockwork and wakes up anywhere between 5:30-6:15am every morning. As soon as she's awake, she wants milk (she won't settle back down after milk, she's ready for the day 😅) It was fine when she was on formula as it would fill her up until breakfast around 7:30/8am. However, now she's on…
Hi, sorry might be a silly question but my girl has 4x8oz bottles and 2 meals. Today she's had 6oz, 3.5oz, 6oz and then just waiting until later to give her final bottle. She usually absolutely devours her milk and her solid feeds. I feel like it might be because she's weaning but it feels like a big drop? The 3.5o...
My toddler is 21 months and I am wondering when this hard stage will pass. The stage of running around the house specifically searching for something to take apart, open and pour out, break and cause trouble. When will he actually be interested in his toys that are meant for playing? When will he stop reaching for t...
Hi I’ll be a first time mum and hope to breastfeed supported by bottles for breast milk and formula when needed / my husband to help etc. We went to a baby show and was told always to use boiling water for formula then let it cool for 30minutes, however I have seen multiple products on the market that warm or prep t...
Hiya all! When did everyone cut out the bedtime bottle? Thanks in advance 💗
He used to take 120-150 ml per feed and now he has 60-70 ml per feed and feeds more frequently. This has been for about 2 weeks now. It is odd that he reduced the amount of milk he takes. He is combi fed. I am awaiting the 8 week gp check which will take place when he is 11 weeks and I will ask a few questions then...
My LO still hardly eats anything so this week I tried to reduce milk but it’s not working. He’s still not eating more food and now is losing it at certain times of day as he’s obviously hungry!! Really not sure what to do.
my little boy is almost 10 months and is refusing every bottle, maybe drinking 2-3oz he has 4 bottles in 24hours, he has solids aswell, he's never really been a fan of milk but normally drinks 6oz every bottle, just wondering if any ones babies are doing the same
I'm considering giving my little boy (4 months) a bottle of formula every now and then until I can save up enough breastmilk to give him bottles. Is this a good or bad idea? And if it is ok - what brand should I use? I'm so worried about giving him anything besides breastmilk so I'm still really going back and forth...