Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Sterilising for a 1 year old - Neocate

My 13mo is still on Neocate and has 2 bottles a day. Do I still need to sterilise the bottles or can I stop this now and just hand wash in warm soapy water? Thanks!


Help please

My LO is more and more not wanting to feed from the breast but will happily take expressed milk from a bottle. Is there a portable bottle warmer you can recommend instead of me forever pouring out hot water in a bowl to heat it up in as he won’t drink it cold either


Changing formula

Hi, Has anyone swapped brand of formula ? Is it ok to do so? My daughter is almost 3 weeks old and we’ve been on Aptamil but Lidl does their own suitable for combination feeding. Thank you !


Confused about engagement levels

I’ve just noticed on my badger notes that my baby is 1/5 engaged. Google images shows that this means he’s fully engaged but seen a lot of posts of people saying they are 4/5 or 5/5 so fully engaged? Any ideas on which way round is correct? Pic below from google


Sterilizing bottles

Are you still sterilizing your baby's bottles. I know the guideline says till 12 months but thinking about stopping now as baby puts everything in her mouth now anyway 😂 and we don't sterilize her bowls or spoons. When is everyone else stopping?


Whole Milk?

My baby turns 1 on January 15th and she doesn’t seem to want formula anymore she is rejecting it by puking every-time she has it now but has no issue when she’s eating food or having water/juice i even tried a little bit of whole milk and nothing she didn’t like any of that only when she has her formula now? should ...


Kendamil milk change?!

I’ve given my baby girl the kendamil 1 since birth really, and I recently changed to kendamil 2 as it’s from 6-12 months… but has anyone else realised that it’s made their baby unsettled? I’ve had to switch back to number 1 and I’m not sure if this is bad.. will it limit her vitamin intake that perhaps number 2 offe...


6 month feeds

How much formula is your 6months having within 24 hours? Mine varies between 24 ounces and 30 ounces.


Am I over feeding my baby?

Quick question, is 120ml excess for an almost 8 week old? I upped my baby’s feeding from 50-60ml at one feeding to 120 ml today because I noticed she’d basically have that in the space of 1 hour. She cluster feeds at each feeding of 50-60 and rounds it up to 100-120ml before she actually looks satisfied. So I i...



Is my 14 week olds feeding over feeding or under feeding? My baby has her first bottle at like 6/7 am and every 3 hours after that until like 11/12 at night. My baby is having about 6/7 bottles a day which is 5 oz. When she was about 8 weeks he used to finish a 5 oz pretty fast but now struggles to finish it. She n...


Feeding schedule & cows milk

Hey moms! Now that we have all 1 year olds. What does your feeding schedule look like? We are going to re-introduce cows milk to my son soon (as he’s been taking formula) and idk where to start! Love your feedback! My son drinks 8oz of formula 3x a day (morning, mid-day and before bedtime) and eats in between. Lot...


Stopping sterelising bottles a little earlier 🤔

Sooo, I am low on Sterelising tablets…as we don’t need to sterilise from 12 months, is it a biggie if I stop in the next couple of days when they run out. little one will be turning 1 in 20 days..should i buy more and continue? Thanks 😊


Rapid cool / hot shot method?

My HO and midwife have both advised against doing the hot shot method due to the water not being hot enough for long enough to kill the bacteria in the formula, but it seems this makes life so much easier for so many mummies. Can anyone give me any advice on this as I’m unsure whether I should give this method a go ...



My baby is on her last 6oz bottle until the morning , she is drinking a 8oz bottle right now do u think that’ll last just until her wic loads in the am ?



I’ma FTM. My baby is 2 weeks old tomorrow and I pump. He drinks 2 ozs every 3 hrs sometimes every 2 an a half if hes really hungry. How much does ur baby eat and how old are they?? I’m trying to make sure he’s eating enough. His Dr told me hes only suppose to be eatin 1 oz to 1 1/2 oz if hes greedy lol. And i believ...


Milk before bed

How many ounces of milk do your babies have before bed?


Water Bottles!

My son has been using these water bottles. He gets on absolutely great with them he got used to the straw straight away. I’ve started to notice they are going mouldy through the tube. We hand wash them (don’t have a dishwasher) well with soap and sponge and rinse them of soap then leave them on the rack to dry but I...



My LO drinks so much, to milk to water. He had about 4 bottles of 250ml in space of 2 hours. One bottle of milk and 3 of water. Is this normal, he drinks so much in the day also


Mam bottles sizing up

When did everyone size up? My babies 6 weeks old currently on size 1. When do they need sizing up! She drinks her milk but often the teat collapses 🤔 Any ideas Thank you 🤩


Weight at 4 month check up

My baby is 4 months today and he weighs 13 1/2 pounds. Doctor is concerned he’s not gaining enough weight but didn’t suggest supplementing with formula. Should I think about formula? I know she didn’t say anything and I’m sure he’ll be fine but I guess I’m just nervous to give up EBF since I couldn’t with my first.


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