Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

All inclusive holiday with 7 month old

Hi, Just wondering how people have cleaned and sterilised bottles whilst on holiday at an all inclusive. TIA x


Dinner and bedtime milk

What time do you do dinner and then milk? Any snacks in between? I feel like I can’t figure out the right balance


Hot shot method

Can anyone recommend a flask what holds least enough water for 3/4 feeds? Also what’s your night time routine ? I’m using a nuby rapid cool atm and finding it a faf!


my baby doesn't seem bothered about milk in the day.

I see everyone on here saying their baby has 7 oz every milk feed but my baby won't drink that much! he's only been having 5/6 oz sometimes only 4 or 4 and a half. I offer more but he doesn't want it. what should I do? he has 3 meals a day and snacks.


Food/milk routines

Please share, ours is; 7am-8oz - has half then half at 8am 9am- breakfast 11am- 7 oz 2:30- 7 oz 5:30 - dinner 7pm- 8oz


What stage is your baby at?

This is just for fun. Not a comparison. All babies develop at their own pace.


Formula amount

Does anyone’s baby eat much more than the ‘recommended’ amount of formula? I know they are only guidelines but my 6 and a half week old is eating 150-180ml per feed, probably 6 or 7 times per day. We’ve tried giving less but she just continues to show feeding cues and gets distressed until we feed her more. I’m wor...


formula feeding - how much?

how many oz are you feeding your baby and how often? i have such a hungry baby and currently feed 6oz every 3 hours, she screams the house down if i stretch it any longer than 3 hours - she’s 4 month today & just under 14lb-ish 🤔


Is anyone still sterilising bottles and dummies?

My boyfriend keeps telling me that I don’t need to keep sterilising my daughter’s bottles or dummies but at this point it’s such a habit that I really don’t mind it. Am I being weird? We don’t sterilise her cutlery or bowls, these are just washed as normal.


cheeky question

As our babies drink water now, just wondering if anyone has mixed more formula milk in water? For example, 6 or 6.5 scoop milk in 5 oz water???🙈 my baby prefers ready made milk which seems thicker. In 200ml ready made bottles we get 180 ml milk but calorie count is same. So I was thinking baby prefers thicker milk?


Favourite age

For those of you with toddlers, what’s been your favourite age (of child)/time period?


Formula feeding mommas!!!!

How many oz is your babe getting per day?? My 5/21 baby drinks anywhere from 25-40 oz a day sometimes 😳 the 40 is rare but some days she’s SO hungry and just wants more and cries until we feed her. I know you technically can’t over feed a baby but we worry about feeding her too much milk. We try our best to do…



Hey so I just need some advice I’m using kendamil for my newborn but every time I make a bottle the powder seems to clump up and not mix very well, anyone else found this? If so what can I do? If I shake it to much there’s lots of froth :/


First step

Has baby took his/her first steps yet ? My little one tries so hard but hasn’t been successful yet 😏 she’ll be 1 on the 19th


Milk intake

ATM my baby on 3x 6/7oz bottle but she dropped into 5 don’t know why how many oz ideal for 13month old please do comment as baby is dropping and prefering food



I started FF my 2 / almost 3 week old baby as was unable / couldn’t continue to BF. I’m worried that I am maybe overfeeding. I use the TT prep machine so minimum is 4 oz for a bottle. Sometimes he takes it all and sometimes he only takes 70-80mls. He has been feeding every 2 hours that last 2 days and I am just worr...


Am I wrong?

I had my second son about month ago and I fear that he is having issues with cow protein intake from my breast milk. I have started to cut out milk (about 3 days since I started) but I am dreading it so bad. I don't want him to suffer but I don't want to keep cutting out milk products and thinking of switching to fo...


Feeding bottles

Hi everyone! What types of bottles are you using to feed your little ones milk? My LG is 8mnths old and I’m using tbe tomme tippee bottles medium flow teat.


Drop a milk feed

My girl has 2x meals a day which is usually breakfast and lunch and she'll have a few snacks during the afternoon (mostly just melty puffs / finger foods that kinda thing nothing huge). I've dropped her 2nd bottle today. She usually has 4 8 ounce bottles. The HV said try dropping a bottle as she's eating solids whic...


Milk quantity

How much is your 18-19month old having a day ? My husband has now taken interest in what our daughter is consuming and is now working out her calories and is convinced she’s having to much milk ( it and formula)


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