Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Bottle sterilizer

With a bottle sterilizer can you just rinse the bottles and put it in the sterilizer and skip the wash?



How many oz is your baby on?


January mamas

January mamas how we doing any signs yet or early babies


Please help me stop my 20 month old from waking at night for milk

He has two bottles every single night and will cry for it if I don’t give it. Diluting it won’t work as he’ll still have it all. H e l p.


Pre making bottles

Looking to pre make a feed for later on today, would this method be ok? Make bottle as normal using rapid cooler and put straight in the fridge? Would be used by 6pm this evening. Heating it up by putting it in a jug of boiling water? Thanks


Back to not wanting milk again

My LO had a really bad cold a few weeks ago which massively effected her bottle taking to the point of having very little. Once she was better it improved but has never gone back to what it was, and now we are back to her not wanting much milk again. I can hear her belly growling, will offer the bottle and she will ...


Schedule tips

Hey! So on Jan 7th I will have my second baby and my son will be 14 months almost 15 month on that date and was just wondering for suggestions or tips on how to handle caring for both, or schedule tips or just how to manage any kind of routine, anything anybody learned that they wish they knew they should be doing b...



My 4 yr old caught chickenpox. And I’ve got a 8 month old. To anyone who has 2 or more kids. From your experience. How long did it take before your second kid got it?


💷Tipping UK 💷

Are tip jars standard in most food establishments?


Refusing bottles

Are any of your babies refusing their bottles now? My LO cries because he’s hungry (I’ve tried everything else by this point and it’s his time to drink) but he’s suddenly started refusing his bottles. I have to push it into his mouth (which I hate doing!) and then he’ll relax and drink the bottle normally. He’s neve...



Can anyone that gives their baby kendamil tell me if they think its worth all the hassle of it being hard to find, my little boys on hypoallergenic formula atm but will probably be doing a milk trial soon and im debating using it as an opportunity to put him onto kendamil seens how im changing his formula anyway but...


How do you wash and sterilise baby bottle abroad in a hotel

Please help. Going away soon and just thought of it


Low milk supply

What are some tips or ways to increase my supply my LO he’s 9 weeks old and he is combination feeding currently. I’m on the meds to help increase it.


Help with preparing bottles

I formula feed my baby and have been prescribed colief. I normally use a rapid cooler to make bottles but it says colief needs 30 mins to work in warm water and by the time she would have her bottle it would more or less be cold. I’ve just spent 30 mins waiting for kettle to cool down, 30 mins for colief to break d...



How many milk feeds a day is your little one having and how many oz?


Food vs Milk

My daughter is 9 months old and enjoys both food and milk, but sometimes I don’t feel like there is enough hours in the day to give her all 4/5 bottles and then for her to have 3 meals, dessert and snacks… am I doing something wrong or are they supposed to be eating this much? For context, she’s formula fed


Sterilising MAM bottles

Has anyone else found that if they don't dry out the base and anti colic valve that it gives that awful wet sucking sound when baby is drinking? I use the MAM microwave steam steriliser rather than doing them individually for 3 min in the microwave.


Nuby rapid cool / mam bottles

Looking for some help: Been seen privately today and dr presumes CMPA, they’ve told me to try Pepti 1 for one week, and if baby doesn’t get better she has given me a prescription for neocate. I’ve always used ready made aptamil, so have no idea how to make bottles, I use mam bottles and don’t have time to wait fo...


MAM bottles - help 😂

Up until the last day or so my husband has been doing all the bottle prep but as he’s back at work next week (LO is 23 days old) I decided I should probably learn…I’m so confused re the MAM self sterilising bottles. The instructions say you need to dry after sterilising (using microwave) but also say in order for th...



How do you go from EBF to formula. I would like to swap after Christmas but don’t know how to start the switch


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