Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Sounds stupid.. 7.5 months in but how do you make up formula? Everything I’ve seen online is different to what it says on the tin? My lg has been exclusively breastfeed until now but want to get her used to having formula before my return to work. So I have few questions about formula feeding… Can I sterilise the ...
What alternatives are people using, or where are you buying if you can still find it!? X
My LO is now 3 days old and doesn’t drink more than 2 oz a time every four hours which we have to wake her every time for and the midwife said this isn’t enough is anyone else In the same boat?
Hi all, my 4.5 month old has been on Kendamil since birth. We started in the organic one then switched to the non organic one because of supply issues. We then stuck to the non organic one, but now this is out of stock too. I'm fed up with Kendamil supply issues and want to switch brands. Just want some recommendat...
hey mamas! so, i know babies grow at their own pace but i have been a little tiny bit concerned with my babies weight. she is 5 months old and is in the 50th percentile for her weight WHICH is very normal average for her age (or so i’m told) however, my mama heart is sad to see every other baby her age, chubby and h...
How much are you feeding your baby, and at what rate? Aloe (09/05) eats 5 oz every 3-5 hours, and sleeps thru the night (6-8 hours). Just try to see if we're basically on track!
My daughter is 6 and a half weeks old and looking to introduce 1 bottle of formula a day but not sure how much to offer? I know every baby is different but just looking for a rough idea of how much she may need!
We started weaning my son about 4 weeks ago. He took to it really quickly and soon started refusing milk as he just seemed to want solids. This means we’ve ramped up to 3 meals a day quite quickly and his milk quantity has dropped off. He’s on formula and has dropped to about 500ml a day (he was having 1000). Is...
I currently offer 4 bottles a day but LO is really starting to reject them. So perhaps I need to drop them. What times are you offering your LOs bottles please?
Please can anyone with a toddler and a 5 week old or newborn share their daily sample routine with me , as I have a 2 year old and a 5 week old so I’m quite struggling as my 2 year old doesn’t seem to Understand basic words like ‘stop ‘yet🥹 Thank you
What formula are people planning to feed their babies?
Anyone’s else’s 9 month old (10 month on 23rd) not drinking his formula milk? He has a bottle in the morning and a bottle in the evening, offer 7oz but leaves some, 2-3oz, try offering formula multiple times a day but he spits it out or keeps pushing bottle away? I started mixing it with some of his porridge, giving...
I bought some and found it convenient for night times when I don’t fell like preparing it
Hi my little one was on 3/4 7oz bottles and 3 meals. She now is only taken 3/4 oz a bottle. I’m really trying to offer more bottle but won’t take any. I’m really worried she not getting what she should be re milk
I've waited to buy formula so it would be more “fresh,” but now I can’t find any. I'm starting to panic, as I don’t plan to BF. Has anyone bought some recently?
My son has been only breastfeed and I have try to give him formula but it would be really rare when he would drink it. Now that he’s 1 year old I bought Nido. At first he drink it with no problem but now he refuses and doesn’t not want to take the bottle. What other formula do you recommend? I’m trying to stop breas...
My son made 3 months today. How many oz are y’all feeding y’all 3 months olds? & how many times days? And which milk do y’all use?
Is there a particular age they should start self settling?
We are exclusively bottle feeding and wanting to feed both expressed breast milk and formula but going in a bit blind on the topic. Can we feed breast milk in the day and then formula through the night? Wasn’t sure if there was a recommended way or schedule to follow.
I dont suppose anyone would know of a teat that fits in mam bottles thats between a mam size 2 and 3 my LB is getting bored of eating on the size 2s but getting overwhelmed on the 3s so could do with something in between x