Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Is there a particular age they should start self settling?
We are exclusively bottle feeding and wanting to feed both expressed breast milk and formula but going in a bit blind on the topic. Can we feed breast milk in the day and then formula through the night? Wasn’t sure if there was a recommended way or schedule to follow.
I dont suppose anyone would know of a teat that fits in mam bottles thats between a mam size 2 and 3 my LB is getting bored of eating on the size 2s but getting overwhelmed on the 3s so could do with something in between x
Which is the best pre made formula to take into hospital for when the baby is born? And whichever brand I choose will this have to be the same when they go onto powder when we get home?
Hiya! I was just wanting to reach to anyone who has a baby or toddler with ACC? (agenesis of the corpus callosum) my baby girl is 7 months old and we’ve known from 20 weeks pregnant, she has multiple health conditions caused by brain abnormalities, she also has epilepsy but I was just wondering how everyone else’s b...
Hey mamas , so a bit of a sticky one we are going to Lisbon next month , and my LO only drinks formula ready made cow&gate, but they don’t sell none there … what can I do lol I’m stuck !!!
Hey all! I’m about to be 2 under 2, and am wondering- With a newborn and a toddler, whose schedule am I going to adhere to more?….😅 I’d think the newborn’s cause hers will be more involved for a bit, but also thinking toddlers enjoy consistency, so try to keep to my toddler’s as best I can?😅 Not sure! lol What’s…
Little one (,9 days old) has lost weight so combine feeding currently. Very unsure if to move him on to formula (a bigger amount) and allow breast when he wants. Anyone else had a similar experience?
So my boy is 6 months the 23rd can I start him on stage 2 milk a week early jus struggled to get stage 1 as he on kendamil xxxx
Hi first time mum here with a 12 week old. We have been prescribed this formula after aptamil pepti 1 didn’t improve my little girls poops. Paediatrician reckons she is reacting to the lactose. So we got this milk yesterday. How long did people start to see an improvement? Also why does it have to be made with room ...
Has anyone swapped back because of problems? My daughter has horrific constipation since being on cows milk, we’ve tried changing her diet, lots of water/fruit juice, even medication and it’s hardly done anything. She’s so bloated and in pain everyday so we’ve swapped back, but feeling a little defeated
Is it normal for a formula fed baby to take different amounts each feed? I feed my 11 week old every 3-3.5hrs and she will take anywhere from 2oz-4oz. She never takes the same amount.
I’m officially going to express and move to bottle feed combo. Just finding it all overwhelming having to learn what brands are good. Has anyone tried Nanobebe bottles, I need a set of bottles, bottle warm and a steriliser ideally from the same brand. I’m also not of fan of Uv or tablets sterilisers. I had Nanobebe ...
It’s for CMPA, he has moved onto another formula but it seems such a waste
My boy is nearly 13 months and we still give him formula cause I have couple of tins left. He gets a bottle in the morning and one before bedtime. Is it enough? Should I after do exactly the same with cow’s milk ? As well how did you wean your baby off the bottle?
Those that are weaning are you sterilising plate, bowl, spoons . . . ?
Hey, how many ozs are your 5 month old having & how long are they going in-between feeds?. Looking at formula fed babies. My little one is on 7oz.. only going around 4 hours in-between. Will be 6 months on the 27th. There have been times he's had more ozs per feed, but still only goes 4 hours. I'm looking to do se...
Which was the hardest stage for you, and why
My son is almost 4 months and I have been EBF since birth but I also pump and store BM as I have alot. I have been trying to get him to take a bottle (BM) but refuses to take any sort of bottle. Any tips?
Our little one is 11 months, will be 1 on 6th Jan. We were advised by HV to start cutting back on bottles and replace them with more solids/ snacks. She's never been a big eater but I'd say she has been eating quite a lot more the last few days. We've been ending the day on about 600ml of milk, so still at least 2...