Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Our little one is 11 months, will be 1 on 6th Jan. We were advised by HV to start cutting back on bottles and replace them with more solids/ snacks. She's never been a big eater but I'd say she has been eating quite a lot more the last few days. We've been ending the day on about 600ml of milk, so still at least 2...
My Lo is 7 weeks today and we usually give him one bottle in the evening. He seems to drink between 2-2.5oz MAYBE three. I’m wondering if anyone else’s baby drinks this amount? He was born at 9lbs 4oz and is currently 13 1/2 lbs.
Hey mummy’s I’m thinking ahead of what’s the best way to feed my new bubba, i exclusively bf my first till she was 2🙃 really want to combi feed this time but have no idea when and how to do it or introduce the bottle!! I left it too late with my first and she ended up never taking a bottle. Any suggestions for…
If your LO Is still drinking milk what type of bottle are they using?
Anyone using these bottles? We’re bottle feeding breast milk and paced feeding but he is still getting through them too quickly. Wondering if these are worth getting as they are quite pricey!
Has it changed? I’ve got a new tin and the spoon/lid has changed and I’m also finding when I’m making the bottles it’s clumpy at the bottom. Never had this before only since the new tin.
My little one is not drinking her milk properly. Shes been great with bottle since day one however the last week she will drink the first 30ml great then the rest shes fighting it or leaves 60ml but then wants more after a few hours. Its driving me mental wasting all this formula. Just wondering if anyone is going t...
We bottle fed before bed till he was 15months as we thought keeping him on the bottle will make our long haul flights easier.. which it did. But now that we're back and dumped the bottle. He doesn't take milk any other way except for in his morning porridge! Which means he isn't getting enough calcium. We give him s...
We have some MAM anti colic bottles which we are eager to start using, but need suggestions on how to heat them up! We would rather not buy a bottle warmer if possible :)
My baby is formula fed has had issues with formula from day one, he gets really bad eczema and uncomfortable tummy. We are seeing a dietician and trying a milk free formula since it might be a milk protein allergy. He’s 4 months and only drinking 2oz at a time. Because of this he’s on the 0.4 percentile for weight a...
Since I started weaning my baby will drink so much less formula milk even though he doesn’t want to eat anything (solids). We’ve tried so so many different foods and food combos and he just refuses to eat anything. He doesn’t wanna drink water either. But he’ll drink so much less formula and I don’t understand why.
My 7-week-old baby has been drinking 120ml (4 ounces) every 3 hours and usually finishes the bottle. She uses MAM bottle with a size 1 teat and drinks Aptamil formula. Recently, I increased her amount to 150ml (5 ounces), but she has started refusing the bottle, pushing it away, and falling asleep during feeds. I s...
I’m using Mam bottles and my LO just turned one month and Im still on teat size 0 Wondering if I should change to size 1?
Little one is 2 weeks in to leap 4 and he’s started getting fussy at the bottle which is normal for him. My concern is his milk intake as he’s refusing his milk. He’s had 260ml today instead of 500ish ml. At what point should I be concerned he’s not drinking enough?
Do we sterilise sippy cups for water? 😂
Is there anywhere that accepts unopened formula tubs for donation in Portsmouth? I have: 2 x Hipp Organic 2 2 x Hipp Anti Reflux 4 x SMA Alfamino It would be a shame for it to go to waste when I'm sure there are plenty in need x
Sounds silly but is Philadelphia soft cream cheese safe in pregnancy? It’s made with pasteurised milk
I have just moved my baby exclusively to formula, she is 16 weeks old. She was combi fed from pretty much birth, started 90% breast milk and the rest formula and I’ve progressively moved her more towards formula; in the past week she has been exclusively on formula. Since then she has shown signs of constipation - g...
Help ! Has anyone gone cold turkey how long till it got better
My baby is 3 weeks old and seems to cry all night long even when all his needs have been met. I've tried Infacol and Dentinox colic drops and nothing seems to be helping. It's my second baby. He's fed expressed breast milk in a MAM bottle and has Kendamil formula. I'm up crying as well because I just don't know wh...