Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Where to donate unopened formula?

Is there anywhere that accepts unopened formula tubs for donation in Portsmouth? I have: 2 x Hipp Organic 2 2 x Hipp Anti Reflux 4 x SMA Alfamino It would be a shame for it to go to waste when I'm sure there are plenty in need x



Sounds silly but is Philadelphia soft cream cheese safe in pregnancy? It’s made with pasteurised milk


Constipation since moving to formula

I have just moved my baby exclusively to formula, she is 16 weeks old. She was combi fed from pretty much birth, started 90% breast milk and the rest formula and I’ve progressively moved her more towards formula; in the past week she has been exclusively on formula. Since then she has shown signs of constipation - g...


Cold turkey with night bottles

Help ! Has anyone gone cold turkey how long till it got better


Crying all night long

My baby is 3 weeks old and seems to cry all night long even when all his needs have been met. I've tried Infacol and Dentinox colic drops and nothing seems to be helping. It's my second baby. He's fed expressed breast milk in a MAM bottle and has Kendamil formula. I'm up crying as well because I just don't know wh...


Anyone used the kegal devices?

Do any actually work


My baby

Has been throwing up his milk after every bottle idk if it’s his milk ( formula ) or it it’s breast milk. Or he’s eating to much 🤦🏽‍♀️ below is the formula he’s on … he’s been so fussy lately to


Combi feeding schedule

Does anyone have their combi feeding from birth schedule? I know every baby is different but just so we have a rough idea 🥰 Can you do every other bottle formula? Can you offer formula till your milk comes in and then start introducing pumped milk?


Changed bottles??

Has anyone moved away from mam bottles now baby is bigger? I'm thinking about changing to tommee tippee as they're easier to clean/less bits but worried about wind and whether it's too soon to change him to a new teat etc. we have only just started weaning about 10 days ago and going slowly


When to up Oz’s of formula

Does anyone know what to look for when you should be upping formula - currently 10 weeks - 5oz every 3 - 3:30 hours - but goes longer stretches during nighttime -


Formula feeding question

When making up a bottle of formula do you fry the sterilised bottles I use man or leave water in and make up a bottle


Prep machine

Hi all I’ve just checked out my prep machine before baby arrives and it only starts at 4oz may be a silly question but can I put her on 4oz and let’s say she drinks 2oz how long can I leave it out for will it cover her next feed I’m completely stuck 🤔


Whole milk

How much whole milk are you giving your little ones? We only moved over to whole milk last week unsure if I’m giving too much he’s hacking 2 210ml a day. TMI did the poop go a funny colour once you changed fully over? 😂💩


Newborn stage

My Lo is a month old and I am super exhausted 1st time mom running on 1/2 hours of sleep. Baby literally doesn’t sleep much and neither he has proper feeding cycle like every 3 hours.Love my baby a lot but feeling helpless at a time. Feel like I can’t control and organise things like other mom’s handling. Please tel...


Formula for one night

I exclusively breastfeed and we’re travelling for a birthday party and leaving our baby with family near the event. I wont have enough time to pump a day supply when we arrive. Can i use formula for one night only?



I’ve just put my baby up to 6 oz now how long of a gap do I leave between feeds?


How much formula?!

How much formula does your newborn/one month old eats at each feed? I feel like my one month old eats too much!!!



Hi mamas, apologies if this has been posted and discussed here before! I’ve just started combi feeding my lo and heard/read good things about Kendamil. Problem is the formula powder for first stage (cow/pink) is sold out absolutely everywhere! Is it always this hard to find gold? 😅


Bedtime milk

Are you still giving your toddler’s milk before bed? If so, how much? And if not, how did you wean them off? My toddler still drinks a good 240ml of cows milk in a toddler bottle and in bed after brushing his teeth. I cant see cutting this out going well for bedtime. He’s already waking up loads and sometimes bedw...


Formula - please help

So I've been EBF and my supply has tanked, I'm super stressed with going back to work and she also bit me the other day which has got to me mentally, scared she's going to do it again! Anyway! We used a little bit of Formula before so I know she'll take it, can you all send me your bottle routines and how many Oz? ...


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