Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
What is everyone putting their baby in around the house? I have the Moses basket but feel bad leaving her in there when she’s awake. I have a bouncer (see pic) but she’s not impressed and I don’t rate it. Also can’t use a carrier/sling yet due to an open wound. Any ideas?
Thoughts and experiences about this
Hi! What do you ladies use for baby shampoo? I’ve been using Aveeno baby healthy start newborn wash and my LO has really bad dandruff. I’m a FTM so I’m not sure if this js normal or it’s the wash that’s causing it.
Hi ladies. So I’ve lived one the bottom floor before when there was a toddler right above me and I’ve had to knock on her door to tell her how loud it was. That was a long time ago and now that I have my own kids, we’re hearing knocking on the ceiling/floor from our new neighbors below us. Now this seems impossible ...
Hi, could anyone kindly share what was done in the review in addition to going through the questionnaire. Mine can write all his alphabet and numbers. Should I mark this as a concern? Anyone else with a super advanced toddler who’s social and happy but wants to learn absolutely EVERYTHING they can?
Hey all, due in 2 weeks and just started collecting colostrum. How many syringes are you meant to aim to collect pre birth? I did a feeding course last week and the instructor said she collected over 100 (3 per day) which is unrealistic and impossible lol, and just wondering how many most people try to collect?
Just curious how many ounces of formula your little ones have at each feed? I’m struggling to get this right and I’m wasting a lot of formula by thinking she will drink more. She has 2-3 bottles of formula a day, the rest of her feeds are breast. She feeds every 1hr30 - 2hrs in the day. She’s only taking 1-2 oz f...
Please no abusive messages, arguing with strangers online is boring x
How do you know if your LO has enough to drink? My boy is so fussy at the boob (latching and unlatching a lot this week) and for the first time ever yesterday he woke from his night sleep with a dry nappy. Then my mum commented that he looks like he has lost weight. Since she said it I can see it but I kind of think...
Has anyone had sex 2 months postpartum without protection (ebf) I’m worried I’m going to get pregnant again!
I was wondering when did everyone move their baby into there own room. My LB will be 5 months next week and is a really bad sleeper at night currently
Explain in comments, recommendations if yes please 🙏🏼
Any one have good tips for the wonderful yellow poop stains? 😂 We did some nappy off time and I’ve ruined a few towels! Used elbow grease and soaked in napisan before washing, but marks didn’t come out. I didn’t rinse it/ treat it right away so possibly the issue but it was done the next day.
Is anyone else the type to find it super hard to feed yourself. Like you just used to go a full day without really eating? How are we now pushing through that bad habit for the sake of being able to breastfeed? Don't get me wrong it's not all the time but some days I just can't be bothered/have no energy/the thought...
at what age do you guys start Weaning your Baby off pacifiers ?
Hey Mums, I have a 3 year old girl and since about the time her grandma started living with us she hits , bites and yells at her grandma. My husband and I have been splitting rent with my mother in law for a over a year now, my daughter was about 2 when this started before this she was fine with her grandma but afte...
My lb has just turned 6 months and we currently use the angel care bath seat but he’s too big now and keeps trying to pop himself out of it. He can’t sit unaided at the moment. What other options are there? He loves his baths!
Hello fellow mamas I feel like I lost today because my son took the top of his cars juice and spill red juice all in my floor I’ve tried the stain remover I have but it’s not working and yes I am patting not rubbing it in.. I feel like I’ve tried everything PLEASE HELP!
Over the last 2 weeks, my 13 week old baby has started pulling his legs up to 90degrees, and then slamming them back down during the night. He doesn’t seem to be bothered, rarely wakes him up, but does it over and over again. Anyone else?
Major tmi post but I’m curious to know if anyone has ever been in the same boat. I’m 21 years old and have had more than 20 sexual partners since losing my v card at 15. There’s definitely been some memorable sexual encounters but I’ve never ever orgasmed. Not by masturbation nor by a partner. It’s really been both...