Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My little has started trying to rip the cover up I have when I nurse in public. Have any of you dealt with this and what did you do or use to stop it?
Is anyone else’s 2 year old just absolutely impossible at the moment? He asks for things then will say no no no over and over again, everything is the wrong bowl, wrong cup, he’s really made Christmas so stressful and I feel so bad for him as everyone has had enough of the whining and refusal of everything 😭
Is anyone experiencing split nights? My LG used to be so good sleeping through the night (she would nurse but would never be fully awake). This week she has been waking up at 2am and not going back down until 5am. She is learning how to crawl/stand/walk plus teething and having a cough. She is now down to one nap wh...
What’s everyone doing with there baba at the minute? My boy is 14 weeks and so bloody long. I’m in two minds whether to bring his cot into my room and transfer him from the next to me to the cot bed for the next few months before he goes into his own room?
Very much aware it was my choice to have two children under two but Jesus… I’m over no sleep! I wouldn’t mind if it was just the newborn but I have my hurricane toddler waking up at godly hours and refusing to go back to sleep! I wouldn’t mind if it was to just cuddle in our bed but nooo… must play and eat and do ev...
So, I gave my nearly 5 month old a bath last night, like we do every night. The only difference is that I got in the bath with her, I picked her up a couple of times. She kept getting water and bubble bath bubbles in her ears and then she put her soapy hand in her mouth only for a second because I got it away quite ...
7 month old has three naps a day (30 minutes each). Wake windows are 3 hours generally. Falls asleep on her own but has dummy. Sleeps all night from 7-6.30/7. Wakes for dummy once or twice in the night. Does it matter that she’s cat napping in the day, if she’s sleeping well at night? I see we need to start a...
My baby’s just gone 8 month and from birth he had reflux but I stopped gaviscon when I started weaning, ( advised by gp) as they said he will grow out of it when introducing food, although I’ve noticed he’s started vomiting hell of a lot more! He used to have 8oz bottles and I’m not on 6oz becuase he just can’t kee...
First week of having my son, my now ex boyfriend complained to his mom via text that the baby cries a lot.. she told him it’s my fault because I cried too much during pregnancy. Mind you she only knows of me ever crying twice (both times because of her son- one of the times being because he left me on the side of th...
I feel like I’m drowning and I’m trying to be so strong for my daughter but I don’t know how much more crap I can put up with it’s always something after something.
Has anyone else found their babies will not settle at all? For the past few days he has been inconsolable, he cries every minute he is awake and fights his naps or he cries every minute and then sleeps the rest. He is wacking his bottle out of his mouth - we’ve tried different size teets. He is constantly chewing hi...
My baby has woke up with a weird growley cough, she’s never had this before she’s 7 1/2 months old she’s not had a good sleep in days she wants to just sleep on me only not in her cot, just trying to find the best medicine for her, any tips/ help Xxx
My 3 month old is sleeping from 11-7 but keeps waking up soaked through. What do you guys do? Bigger nappy at night? 😭 he’s on size 2, do I put size 3 on him in the night? Do you guys wake them up to change? Thank you!!🥲
Has anyone had sex before your 6weeks were even done? I’m one week postpartum and Im lowkey in the mood and I can’t help myself when I see my man but I know u have to wait the 6weeks but have any of you ladies got down to business before the 6 weeks?
I cannot function. I get 3 hours of broken sleep a night. My 17 month old has never slept through the night and I can't do my job. Do I quit until he's older? I think they'll try and fire me anyway as I just can't do it....
Help! My son is 19mos old and has only ever been sick 1 time. He had a runny nose all day today and some sneezing, he felt a little warm before bed but temp read a regular 98.7. He has now stirred 3xs coughing, and let out a single cry but went back to sleep. He was 7mo the one time he was sick and we were still co ...
My mother in law came over, looked in my fridge and grabbed a Costco carton of organic milk. Before opening the carton she said, “Is this regular milk or breast milk”. I felt super ANGRY inside and beyond irritated. How rude, strange and ignorant to even ask. Why would I put my breastmilk in a large milk carton wher...
So I live in a city where I have zero family of my own so it’s only my ex husbands family here and I just had a hysterectomy Friday so I’m trying to recover from that, just got my kids dropped off yesterday because 5 days is enough of them with the father 😑 but they are back home and with cold like symptoms so now…
My baby has his first jabs this morning☹️He's 8 weeks old, does anybody have any advice for how to keep him as comfortable and temp free as possible? Thank you x
Has your two month old slept 11-12 hours straight from night to the next day ?