Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Those who are still on 2 naps a day, can you please drop below what time your LO's are waking, times of their 1st & 2nd naps and then what time they go to bed? I reckon our second nap time is all wrong and it's meaning my LG often isn't fancying bed until 10.30pm, even though for a bedtime of about half 8, she's ha...
Is it safe to sleep on your stomach during early pregnancy? I tried sleeping to my side a few nights and i had terrible nights where i kept waking up and I couldn’t sleep.. Is it bad to sleep on your stomach during early pregnancy and when will I need to stop? I am 8 weeks today.
Hey guys, so basically my daughter is on referral waitlist for autism so today I dropped my little one off childminders this morning and she goes how was ur weekend I said it was good went peppa pig world she had a few meltdowns there, she said I thought she would. And I said it’ll get better the more she goes out ...
Any successful stories or tips of how you’ve got your babies to sleep in longer? For context, my 14 month old goes to sleep around 6:45-7pm. She has never been much of a day napper and has 30 mins - 1.5 hours a day. (Has done since she was about 2 months old🥴) She normally wakes once but has been sleeping…
Hey mamas, currently been trying to wean my 18mo old off the bottle at night he’s attached and won’t go to bed without his milk bottle. Wakes up at night for a bottle or two as well. I would love some tips on how to wean him off of it 😊
I am on my second wee since giving birth to my baby last night, i had 2 tears so do have stitches. but is there anything anyone recommends to make it a bit easier as the sting is unreal xx
What is best to use to moisturise baby’s cheeks as they’re very dry and bumpy? Thanks
What brands of washers would you all recommend ours broke a couple months ago? One that's reliable and cleans clothes good. We had this one pictured but looking for something better. Hopefully one cheaper than 1,000.
Does anyone else’s baby manage to shimmy themselves right to the side of the cot and/or lie tip on their side? My little girl has been in a Moses basket up to now because she kept tipping on her side from a newborn in the next to me but she’s way too big for the moses now. She goes to sleep on her back in the next t...
I’m going away for the weekend but my husband only has a two seater works van. Are we allowed to have our 18 month old in there? He would have to be facing forward. We have an appropriate car seat but not sure if it’s ok to use in the front seat.
My little boy is 8.5 months.. he will be 9 months 8th March. He still army crawling & is so much more chill. It so hard but I’m constantly comparing milestones with his older sister who is 3.5 years. He rolled very early and always wanted to be standing when you held him but he just isn’t grasping proper crawling. M...
I believe my 2 1/2 year old has (low support) autism. However, I’m aware that because of his age (terrible twos) meltdowns can be expected. He will have a screaming fit if his brother has a milk and he doesn’t. But I think that’s just toddler jealousy? Here’s some of the things he does which suggest to me he has AS...
He is 15 month old now. He doesn’t have long a nap like 2.5h longest but often only 1.5h or so. He does some activities, play, so he is tired enough but not over tired. He goes to sleep in his bed but every night he wakes up in the night and didn’t go back to sleep in his bed and we are exhausted to deal with him in...
Hi, currently struggling with what sleep sacks to use. I have a 2.5 tog at the moment which is still good for night time but my boy gets too hot during daytime naps. Should I get a 1.5 tog one for daytime naps and prepare for warmer months? What does your baby wear under them during daytime naps
Hi can anyone recommend some nappies you are using for your little ones? We’ve always used Aldi and had no issues however, they aren’t very good in size 7 pull ups and we keep getting leaks. Thanks
Does anyone use a bottle warmer with mam bottles? Im just concerned about the water going into the holes at the bottom as sometimes they leak.
How often do you trim your baby's nails? I let my 4 (almost 5) month old's get too long, and he scratched up his nose pretty badly today. It made me so sad, so I'm nursing him to sleep, because that seems to be the only way I can trim his nails well. (I've been pumping/bottle feeding a lot lately.) How do you do it...
Recommendations of one’s that’s affordable and worth it
I EBF my son for 21 months and completely weaned his earlier this month. I’m realizing it contributed to my PPD severely… I got so fat, literally gained 45lbs, had severe face and body acne and there wasn’t a single day I didn’t think about k*lling myself. Since I quit I’ve been able to stick to my workouts, I’ve wo...